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5 blockchain-based social media platforms to know

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Social networks built on the blockchain are revolutionizing the way we share, interact and connect with people online. These systems provide improved transparency, data ownership, and decentralization incentives by leveraging the power of blockchain technology.

This article will discuss five well-known blockchain-based social media sites: Steemit, Verasity, Binded, Audius, and Sapien.


Based on the Steem blockchain, Steemit It is an innovative decentralized social media network. Users are paid for curating and creating content in this new incentive approach. Users are incentivized to create quality content and interact with the community where they can earn Steem (STEEM) tokens based on participation.

By fostering a thriving ecosystem of content producers and paying them directly, Steemit’s strategy is changing the traditional social media paradigm.


health It is another blockchain-based social media platform focused on video content and monetization. It aims to empower content creators by providing a transparent and fair ecosystem for video sharing, viewing, and earning rewards. Verasity uses its native token, VRA, to drive engagement, rewarding both content creators and viewers.

Through blockchain technology, Verasity ensures the authenticity of views and provides a safe environment for content creators to monetize their videos. With features such as ad blocking and ad fraud prevention, Verasity aims to improve the overall video content experience, while offering content creators a sustainable monetization model.

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linked It is a platform based on advanced blockchain technology specially designed for photographers to protect their copyrights. With Binded, photographers can securely upload their images to a copyright vault protected by the blockchain. This guarantees the authenticity and ownership of their work. Furthermore, Binded enables artists to share their creations while actively monitoring for any potential copyright infringement.

Leveraging the power of the blockchain, Binded has successfully registered and protected more than 350,000 images, establishing itself as a trusted platform for copyright protection. In addition, Binded has simplified the Instagram image copyright registration process. When a user posts a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #Binded, it triggers an instant registration of the photo, which ensures fast and effective copyright protection.

My voice

My voice It is a decentralized music sharing and streaming platform that aims to revolutionize the music industry. Developed on the Ethereum blockchain, Audius gives musicians direct control over their music and enables them to make money without the use of middlemen.

Audius provides transparency, fair rewards, and censorship resistance through the use of blockchain technology. Building networks and interacting with fans directly allows artists to get instant feedback on their work.


Blockchain based social news network Sabine Emphasizes user privacy, high-quality content, and data ownership. It allows users to produce, distribute, and participate in conversations on a range of topics, while maintaining control of their data.

Sapien has used blockchain technology to create a decentralized reputation system that promotes high-quality contributions and prevents spam and misinformation. Users can create personalized news feeds and have meaningful conversations with other users who share their interests.

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Factors to consider while monetizing content

When it comes to content monetization, there are several key considerations that a content creator should keep in mind:

audience and status

Understanding the target demographic and the specific niche one serves is essential. To design content that resonates with your users, it is important to identify their requirements, preferences, and behaviors. With this knowledge, users can choose the best content monetization tactics.

valuable site

Determining the particular benefit offered to the public is key. What differentiates one’s content from others in the field? By emphasizing the benefits and solutions offered, it is possible to attract and retain a dedicated audience.

Monetization models

Examining several monetization strategies allows choosing the models that best fit your audience and content. Advertising, sponsorship, affiliate marketing, subscriptions, premium content, product sales, and crowdfunding are examples of common monetization strategies. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each, users can choose the templates that match their content and goals.

Quality and consistency

Consistently providing high-quality material helps gain audience trust and establish credibility. High-quality content leads to more viewership, greater engagement, and higher earnings potential. Consistency in posting dates and content types is also essential to audience retention and expansion.


Relying on only one method of monetization can be risky. Diversifying income sources helps reduce dependence on any one source. Combining various monetization strategies, exploring joint ventures, or using different channels and media to reach a larger audience are all effective ways to achieve diversification.

User experience and engagement

Prioritizing user experience and engagement helps keep users on the platform longer, which leads to a larger audience. Creating an intuitive and easy-to-use platform or website for content consumption is crucial. Encouraging dialogue through polls, comments, and interactions on social media can boost engagement. Engaging with the audience, addressing their feedback, and adapting the content as needed based on their preferences are important practices.

Promotion and marketing

Effective promotion and marketing methods are essential to increase the visibility of your content. Using social media, email marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), partnerships with influencers, and cross-promotion can help reach a wider audience. Developing a strong personal brand and leveraging existing networks can expand your reach.

Analytics and data insights

Using analytics tools to monitor the effectiveness of your monetization efforts is essential. Analyzing information about audience demographics, engagement levels, conversion rates, and revenue sources provides valuable insights. By making data-driven decisions and constantly improving tactics, one can identify areas for development and improve monetization strategies.

Legal and ethical considerations

It is important to learn about the laws and ethical principles that govern content monetization. Adherence to privacy rules, Sponsored Content disclosure standards, and copyright restrictions ensures compliance. Transparency and honesty in monetization strategies builds audience trust and protects the brand.

Innovation and adaptability

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, so being open to adjusting your monetization plans and exploring new possibilities is crucial. It is also important to stay abreast of market developments and emerging platforms and tools that can enhance your monetization efforts. Regular experimentation, taking notes to heart, and adapting strategies are all essential to staying ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of content monetization.