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Florence Githinji’s decoy ring and boxing therapy

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Weekend with the CEO

Florence Githingi decoy ring and boxing treatment

YellowCard’s Regional Marketing Director responsible for East Africa, Florence Githingi. photo | Swimming pool

There is something Florence Gethinji likes to do when she speaks. I stopped. Then the gestures. Then she speaks, slowly at first, then with hesitations, like false pleasure, as if she were pulling the words out of her mouth with her fingers.

Like a surgeon, she is precise in her thoughts, not a word is wrong, not a phrase out of place. So, to understand it, you will have to be patient.

Patience is also what it took to get to YellowCard where she is the Regional Marketing Director responsible for Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. YellowCard is a cryptocurrency company in Africa that enables its users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with various payment options.

Before YellowCard got her start at Rupu, where she was a community manager, she later joined Ringier. Spotting an opportunity at Microsoft, she jumped to become Microsoft’s first Director of Social Media for East Africa, and later for the greater Middle East region in Africa.

We meet at Ikigai, Lavington, along James Gichuru Road, where, watching her step across the hallway, you should be given a lesson in another Japanese koan: Kinstugi. The art of putting back broken pieces together with gold, built on the idea that by embracing imperfections and mistakes, you can create a stronger and more beautiful piece of art.

Breaking the glass ceiling might have wounded her here and there, not that you would know from the smile permanently plastered to her face, a smile that is a kind of origami of squirrels and school slickness, mischievous if not Machiavellian, as if she knows a secret and can’t wait to tell you.

What does it look like to you?

It’s an adventure. I’m always looking for the next thing to grow. There is always another challenge whether it is in person or at work. But I can also be pretty jaded, so to speak. The trip is stressful because I can’t miss five minutes to sit and smell the flowers. I have to land on purpose.

Did shards of glass cut you while breaking the proverbial roof?

You know, you can’t play with a glass and get away without Scott? I guess the question then is how deep to cut. Especially if you’re trying to do something different. The risks will always be there.

For example?

He can be lonely. To go on a trip that few people have taken, especially if there is no clear path? Single. You meet people along the way, and you may seem too aggressive, extroverted, or demanding to them. These things just sit with you and can cost you your progress in certain situations.

Are you married?

not now. The ring is just a decoy haha!

How do you release steam?

I know I work hard, sometimes too hard. But I remember the main thing. I identify with the things that keep me grounded — yoga, long walks with my dog, and a little bit of boxing. Anything that takes me away from work.

Why boxing?

When I’m in a boxing session, I’m engaged both mentally and physically. I don’t think of anything else. I really like it because it’s motivating but not in a way that makes me exhausted.

What part of boxing do you not like?

Anticipation of the start of the session haha! Once I get going, I’m good, but just before that, it’s nerve-wracking!

What do you just do for yourself?

Walking tour. And it’s been a constant thing for the past decade. It was the one thing I wanted to celebrate as a milestone. Drinking and partying wasn’t all that. Hiking is how I got that extra elevation.

What’s the one destination you’ve ever walked to that stays with you?

Mount Kilimanjaro because I’ve reached the top. But don’t ask me which is easier, between Kilimanjaro and Mount Kenya. Non-hikers ask me this question.

But what is the easiest?

Kilimanjaro or Mount Kenya? haha! I will say Mount Kenya, but you force me. Kilimanjaro was brutal though and the summit was worth it, especially since it was my first time.

That was a risk.

Yes, I take a risk. But do I like to take risks? Do I think I’m taking a risk at that moment? Maybe not. When I do, I never think about the risks. I just press.


Florence Githinji, YellowCard Regional Marketing Manager responsible for East Africa, on Mount Kenya. photo | Swimming pool

Bush or beach?

shrub. After two days at the beach, I’m bored. Have you experienced the sunset at the Mara watching the hippos? You know I’m a hopeless romantic. That sunshine during breakfast? bliss. Now that’s what I call romance. On the beach, sand wanes everywhere. And the way your skin burns… I mean, come on!

Do you travel a lot?

I travel a lot. I divide my cent into quarters; So I can travel with people.

What’s the first thing you do in a new place?

I found out where is the fastest bar and where is the best wine haha! I always want to know where I can hang out, whether alone or with someone. This becomes my somewhat safe space. When I’m bored, I go to that place as my Wusa place. Makes me feel at home.

Tell me about your time?

There are two ways to my time. There are days of a cup of coffee and a lot of nature. If that means being in the most expensive place would pierce the eyebrow of a financial expert, then so be it. I am willing to compromise for the sake of a quiet place with nature. You don’t have to be bourgeois. But as long as I can leave the house and see a river or trees, I’m in heaven. The other is that I like to go to forest havens for hiking.

What calls you in nature?

I grew up in Shag (village). We were so privileged because there are acres of land out there and we would wake up to see the moon. Now that you think about it, we’re working hard to provide it. I grew up surrounded by nature. It became a part of me.

How long have you been with your dog?

It will be three and five months in December. His name is Laoi, a dachshund. I got it at the height of covid. I’ve always wanted a dog, but the world before covid was fast paced. With Covid and work from home arrangements I can now have a dog..

What does Levi say about you?

Far from how much he loves me and that we don’t spend enough time together? He’ll probably say I should relax a bit. And then maybe I should see the world with my own eyes much more. He’s the smallest dog in our compound but he pretends to be the biggest.

What is your life path now?

I am clueless about music. I’m not the kind of person who gets up and plays music. I don’t have that deep intimacy with music. Are there other people like me out there?

We must start a support system. I feel very judged now haha! I know a song even though it was playing today. (I’ve been drinking more alcohol the past 5 days. Did you check me out? Now, did you look me up?) Great song, but I didn’t drink haha!

What food comes to mind when you think of the weekend?

Lots of pasta and some chips somewhere. I love to explore restaurants, which is a very expensive hobby.

What is that one book left with you?

Man’s search for meaning by Franz Kafka and Being Dead: Medicine and What Matters in the End By Atul Gawande. being mortal She stayed with me because right now, many of our parents are reaching an age where they won’t be able to take care of themselves for the next 20 years. Are we doing enough to prepare ourselves for this responsibility of being their caregiver?

What is an unusual habit or silly thing that you love?

I watch a lot of reality TV shows – except Kardashians. It’s just mindless TV. Your brain might die a little but that’s why you’re reading haha! balance, right?

Yes. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever spent money on?

I spend money on random things. It could just be a nice looking bottle of wine. There’s a wine I bought in Cape Town a few days ago, and it looked really cool! I have no intention of drinking it but he called me. And I answered.

What weekend hack do you know?

Spending time with friends and family. It’s easy to get lost in your own world. But there is nothing quite as rewarding and fulfilling as friends and family.

Lately, what have you become so good at saying no to?

afraid. It’s a cliche answer, but I don’t like doing things that are safe. See, this is nerve wracking for me. This is the year I get to be bold on the safe side. When I get to the point of making a decision and have two choices, I ask myself, “Which one is the bold decision?” I take this. Did you know I said no to this interview? haha! More bold than safe!

What’s on your bucket list?

(Thinks long and hard) I see a world where I’m building something to do with the kids. Maybe an institution. One of my favorites is Food 4 Education, something along those lines. It’s one of those things that burns me. I need to start figuring it out.

Do you have a secret talent that no one knows about?

Is sarcasm a talent? Because I can use it in many combinations to pass a message.

Who do you know that I should know?

my grandmother.


She is the epitome of all the things I love which is love and courage and her ability to fight for herself and her grandkids. We are lucky to have her as our grandmother. Get to know her and love her.

What do you think your grandmother learned from you?

She did such a good job of watching us all succeed in life. That her genes are stuck somewhere.

Tell me a special memory between you two?

Now you will make me cry. I have to go see her next weekend. It is named after her, Florence Gethinji. I knew she always had a soft spot for me, aware of the fact that grandmothers generally have soft spots for their grandchildren. It’s the way you hold my hand, now that I have dementia, how randomly you’ll remember my name. There are so many things combined that remind me that I am so lovable and special to someone.

→ (email protected)

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