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Kamau Kiarie: Why image is everything

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It's my fault I didn't ask Kamau Kyari if he still listened to the radio – a thought that reared its head again and again in our conversation. He says life at that time was refreshing. Its past is a museum that we visit often: people were more honest then. We could eat everything at that time and not worry about anything. I could have taken some chances at that time. He bends his knee in this museum, under the weight of the imagined future: Can I be better?

Maybe or maybe not. His gift is that he can live in the present, writing his chapter as CEO of educational publishers in East Africa. Beneath the philosopher's delicate rust lies a lover. I mean he listens to Julio Iglesias. Not sometimes. usually.

Outside, the sky at Lavington in Nairobi was patchwork blue and dark grey, and Kamau was pouring me hot tea as we talked. What if you asked him if he wanted to become a radio broadcaster?

What do Kenyans read?

Books in all fields. From children to short novels for young adults and full-length novels for adults, and from literature to fiction. But Kenyans love motivational books. Unfortunately, most of them are published abroad, unless we talk about the autobiographical works of high achievers.

As a professional publisher, do you ever read books just for fun?

definitely. I go to libraries to browse and find books. I read From the third world to the first By Lee Kuan Yew.

Being a publisher, can you judge a good or bad book by its cover?

Haha! Image is everything, so it's important to have the right cover for your book. Blurb is also necessary because the packaging can sometimes be misleading.

What is the most boring part of reading?

Haha! When you read and get to some chapters, you ask yourself: “What should I read then?” Which means it might not make sense, especially if the author is rambling.

What kind of reader are you?

Multiple books at once. Especially when I travel, I'll take four books with me, so I can break down the books, digest them, and reflect on what I've read. You'll gain more because you're less likely to get carried away with too many things in one book and forget the nice nuggets.

What is the last book you read that changed your perspective?

Uhm, this is by this Singaporean fellow. You just want to read and reflect on 10 pages. Changing a country is such a huge undertaking – when you change the mindsets of a people, you can achieve so much more. There's a phrase in the book about making sure our toilets are clean. It's a metaphor for changing our mindsets, and addressing the areas that can make us stink in good times and bad.

Were you a reader as a child?

Yes, but unfortunately the reading material was not as plentiful as it is now. I've grown up with it Weekly review And Reader's Digest magazine– which has since been closed.

What do you remember about your childhood?

Ahhh. The current rainfall is not like the one we experienced when we were children. It rained with hailstorms and, indeed, there was climate change. In our time, the rain was coming down harder, but we were playing outside. Our immunity was stronger, not because we had a good diet, but because we only ate what was available.

How do you raise your children in a way that is different from the way you were raised?

To encourage them to know what they want to do early on and allow them to explore the world. I was not a good footballer but I loved listening to football commentary and one of my sons was very passionate about football. She let him run with her. The other is interested in engineering stuff, and I let him fix things unlike the way we were raised, “Don't touch that!” “Don't start your father's car!” “The radio belongs to Daddy.” Once they hoard items, they are likely to want to rebel and thus become anarchists.

Do you have any special rituals that you perform, just the three of you?

Well, we play badminton, but at an amateur level.

How has fatherhood changed you?

It's a good thing. You realize that this young man treats you like a hero, asking questions and expecting answers. I think the best psychological counselor is the parents, if it doesn't happen within the confines of the family, it may not work well there.

What has fatherhood revealed to you about yourself?

The connection between me as a father and the CEO. As of 2020, people have embraced working from home and kids will treat that time as a formal office, but when you step out of that office, you move into balancing parent and CEO.

How are you like your children?

this is difficult. It's better for an outsider to say it. How would you describe me?

You seem calm and thoughtful.

Well, look my eldest son is very thoughtful too.

Which is easier, running a business or running a family?

Both have their own complexities. The family starts from scratch, and sees it grow, with many aspects related to home, school, vacations, etc. My experience is that the difficulty in raising children extends to all areas. Even your mother now, no matter how old she is, will still wonder if you are safe there, right?

right. Are you a better husband or father?

Philosophically, when I am a good father, I am a good husband.

When you first met your wife, what caught your attention about her?

Image is everything. I was attracted to her outer beauty when I recognized her inner beauty. It was a beautiful harmony.

What is the most beautiful thing about her?

She is a very good listener. She listens, understands, and takes time to express an opinion, especially if it is a family decision. And also respect – respect for you and your views. If she wants to disagree, she will phrase it so beautifully that you have no choice but to accept that she disagreed. I didn't know we'd veer this way! The interview turned out to be more complicated than I thought.

The final couple question then. What are you fighting for now?

We may not fight but postpone investment ideas. Sometimes I'll have a great idea like this, and she'll poke holes in it, and vice versa. This challenges us to think more deeply.

Speaking of which, what's the most ridiculous thing you've ever bought?

I spend money on souvenirs when I travel, and sometimes I get scammed when they are overpriced because the price is never fixed, one vendor sells it for one price, you go to the next vendor and it's much cheaper. But then, I have no reason to feel cheated because I will have this souvenir for life, including a reminder that I was cheated on!

What item did you buy for less than Sh10,000 that you use often?

Shaving cream. I shave daily. If I let my beard grow for a month, it would be an amazing sight.

What would I be surprised to know about you?

I have great taste in music, almost all genres.

What is your favorite song?

Soul and country music, then rhythm and blues. But it cuts across the board.

What song takes you to a specific place and time?

Songs of Julio Iglesias. especially When I need you.

How can you relax?

I play golf but I'm not good at it. I exercise and go for walks. There was a time when I was in the theatre.

What will people mourn for you after you leave?

I'm very meticulous, especially in this publishing world. Here lies a meticulous man.

What matters more than you thought it would?

(Long pause) Health. Never take it for granted that you can do the things you do. It's one of those things we assume, but until it's gone, you don't understand the appeal.

What's the one question you keep asking yourself?

Can I be better? What should I do to be better? Especially with the resources I have been given. There is a Kikuyu saying: “Things fall from the sky, and their maker distributes them to the people.” What do you have in your hands?

What chapter in your life shaped who you are today?

From 1 to 4. I immersed myself in serious study, eliminating luxuries, distractions, and anything that would derail me. I passed my Level 4 exams, and that was the starting point of my journey.

CEO of East African Educational Publishers (EAEP) Kyari Kamau makes his remarks during the book launch event in Nairobi on February 9, 2024.

Image credit: Francis Nderito Nation Media Group

What did you finally come up with?

I can't be a politician. This is not my thing.

What do you thank yourself for?

What do you apologize to yourself for?

– Not seizing certain opportunities. If that were the case, there might have been a transformation in my life.

Have you forgiven yourself?

not yet. We grew up in the era of selecting quotes from newspapers and magazines. I still remember one: It's never too late to be what you could have been. That's why I haven't forgiven myself yet; I still believe I can follow through and achieve it.

What tricks can make your weekends better?

It is the observation that health is everything.

What is the simplest pleasure in life?

health. Your systems are working, and that matters a lot.

What is this line from a book that best sums up your life?

Chinua Achebe Things fall apart He says that when a child washes his hands, he can eat dinner with adults. I can see in a small way that this has happened in my life. Sometimes you find yourself in places, and wonder how you got here?

Who do you know that I should know?

Professor Ngugi Wa Thiong'o. He is not just a literary scholar, but also a sage. You sit with him, you leave filled with wisdom.

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