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Civics are becoming a 21st-century business skill

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The Fourth of July is a day filled with food, celebrations, and fireworks in the United States, as our nation celebrates the passage of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. But this day celebrates something else, too.

Our celebration of Independence Day is an opportunity to reflect on our country, the progress we have made, and the work we have to do to strengthen our democracy and our communities as we look to the future.

As with any successful business, democracy only works when all its components are working properly. Indeed, the skills that shaped this great experiment are the same skills that spark the inspiration and creativity needed for groundbreaking ideas and continued economic growth. In other words, civics is a 21st-century business skill.

Critical thinking, problem solving, negotiation, curiosity, adaptability, risk taking and other so-called “soft skills” are increasingly being called “hard skills” because they are not soft at all. In fact, Latest LinkedIn Poll A study found that nine out of 10 CEOs worldwide say they are more important than ever in the workplace.

Collaboration and shared risk

In government, making decisions and getting them done requires people to work together. Whether it’s running a polling place on Election Day or serving on a city committee, the way to get things done involves working with others who may have very different views and ideas than your own.

While our neighborhoods, places of worship, schools, and other places where we come together may be homogeneous, in the workplace, we are more likely to encounter people who are different from us.

When team members with different opinions and perspectives can work together respectfully and effectively, organizations win. Companies and teams with strong skills are expected to deliver higher employee morale, improved service or product quality, and increased innovation. Tip of the iceberg.

Defuse conflict and solve problems

Failure to understand how our government works prevents people from finding common ground on fundamental issues. This lack of knowledge leads to division, frustration, and ultimately, rudeness and an inability to communicate effectively with others, especially those who see the world differently.

Most Americans Believes The nation’s tone is impolite (58%). However, when people have a shared understanding of organizations and processes, they are able to listen to others’ arguments and provide strong justifications of their own. In doing so, they can better use reason to reach compromises and manage conflict.

hone negotiation skills

Think about the way legislation is often drafted: one person may have an idea for change. Another may disagree. In an ideal world, they discuss their differences, find common ground, and craft stronger legislation from a range of perspectives.

Increasingly, managers are becoming Worried It was clear that their team members were unwilling to compromise and unable to sit down and come to an agreement. By many accounts, our Founding Fathers held deeply divergent views and argued fiercely. Yet they were able to reach compromises that became the foundation of our nation.

Critical thinking training

Although jury service can sometimes be distressing and upsetting, it is one of the most important ways citizens participate in our system of government.

Being a good juror requires evaluating evidence, challenging our preconceptions, and asking good questions. These are the same critical thinking skills needed to make major regulatory decisions.

Building leaders

Understanding how our government is run and participating in it teaches us how to work in complex systems, deal with change, and use sound judgment and reason to achieve a goal. In short, civic engagement builds leaders who can apply these skills in countless ways, including in the workplace.

Americans are eager for employers to help them build bridges, create healthier dialogue, and foster collaboration in the communities they serve. 82% of Americans Believes Corporations can play a role in uniting our country, and nearly 75% of voters agree that corporations have a responsibility to protect our economy and our national environment.

Companies can take small but meaningful steps to promote civic engagement. For example, employers might offer employees time off to work as nonpartisan poll workers during local, state, and national elections, to address critical shortages across America. Or they can support employees selected for jury duty by providing resources to help them prepare for their duties. They can also provide educational experiences that re-introduce employees to the basics of civics, empowering them to learn more about how our government works and how they can meaningfully participate. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation runs one of several initiatives that helps employers strengthen civic skills within their teams.

As we prepare to celebrate Independence Day, now is the time for the business community to commit to raising the level of education and civic skills in the workplace.

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