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AI in 2023 – Rises, Falls, the Evolution of a Business

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In the tale of 2023, Artificial Intelligence stole the spotlight,
boasting numbers that whispered promises, stirred fears, and painted a vivid
portrait of tech’s love affair with the future.

2023, the year when Artificial Intelligence (AI ) stepped into the
limelight, becoming some sort of tech rock star. It wasn’t just a buzzword; it
was a global obsession, making waves across every industry, including

Here are the numbers that unravel this techno-drama:

ChatGPT stormed onto the scene, charming a million users within its
first five days. Fast forward a year, and it’s the weekly chat companion for a
staggering 100
million people
. The API? Well, it’s got 2 million developers in its
entourage, including the big shots from Fortune 500 companies.

Nvidia’s $1.2 Trillion Odyssey

Nvidia, the king of GPU silicon, saw their market cap hit a cool $1
trillion in May, before soaring to $1.2 trillion toward the end of the year.
Why? Tech companies, big and small, swarmed like moths to the AI flame. And
AI needs GPUs…

15 Tech Companies Stand with Biden

15 tech companies signed up to the Biden administration’s AI safeguards
bill. Voluntarily pledging to advance AI safely, these major players will make
sure that the tech is developed in a safe, secure manner.

Microsoft Drops $10 Billion

Microsoft, not one to miss the AI after-party, threw $10 billion on the
table for OpenAI, adding to the $3 billion it tossed in earlier. It’s not just
an investment; it’s a high-stakes bet on the future of intelligence, a gamble
with AI’s wild cards.

Mistral’s Seed Shower

In the world of startups, Mistral
emerges as a star, raising a jaw-dropping $113.5 million seed round a mere
month after its launch. Before a product? Who cares? It’s the biggest seed round
ever recorded in Europe, proving that sometimes, dreams can be bought “on plan”.

Amazon and Google Jump In

Amazon and Google took to the stage, spending $6 billion for Anthropic,
OpenAI’s formidable rival. It’s not just an investment; it’s clear intent to compete.
Hmmm. OpenAI
was valued at $80 billion in October.

Business Hype vs. Reality

Despite the hype at S&P 500 earnings calls, business
adoption of AI stands at a mere 3.8%. It’s the
business world taking a long, careful look.

Altman’s 4-Day Drama

Sam Altman, for so many figurehead of AI, pulled off a CEO
merry-go-round in just four days. Fired and rehired, it was certainly a
quick bit of boardroom drama. Well, it’s all settled now, so let’s see what the
future holds.

2023 was just the start, who knows where we’ll end up.

In the tale of 2023, Artificial Intelligence stole the spotlight,
boasting numbers that whispered promises, stirred fears, and painted a vivid
portrait of tech’s love affair with the future.

2023, the year when Artificial Intelligence (AI ) stepped into the
limelight, becoming some sort of tech rock star. It wasn’t just a buzzword; it
was a global obsession, making waves across every industry, including

Here are the numbers that unravel this techno-drama:

ChatGPT stormed onto the scene, charming a million users within its
first five days. Fast forward a year, and it’s the weekly chat companion for a
staggering 100
million people
. The API? Well, it’s got 2 million developers in its
entourage, including the big shots from Fortune 500 companies.

Nvidia’s $1.2 Trillion Odyssey

Nvidia, the king of GPU silicon, saw their market cap hit a cool $1
trillion in May, before soaring to $1.2 trillion toward the end of the year.
Why? Tech companies, big and small, swarmed like moths to the AI flame. And
AI needs GPUs…

15 Tech Companies Stand with Biden

15 tech companies signed up to the Biden administration’s AI safeguards
bill. Voluntarily pledging to advance AI safely, these major players will make
sure that the tech is developed in a safe, secure manner.

Microsoft Drops $10 Billion

Microsoft, not one to miss the AI after-party, threw $10 billion on the
table for OpenAI, adding to the $3 billion it tossed in earlier. It’s not just
an investment; it’s a high-stakes bet on the future of intelligence, a gamble
with AI’s wild cards.

Mistral’s Seed Shower

In the world of startups, Mistral
emerges as a star, raising a jaw-dropping $113.5 million seed round a mere
month after its launch. Before a product? Who cares? It’s the biggest seed round
ever recorded in Europe, proving that sometimes, dreams can be bought “on plan”.

Amazon and Google Jump In

Amazon and Google took to the stage, spending $6 billion for Anthropic,
OpenAI’s formidable rival. It’s not just an investment; it’s clear intent to compete.
Hmmm. OpenAI
was valued at $80 billion in October.

Business Hype vs. Reality

Despite the hype at S&P 500 earnings calls, business
adoption of AI stands at a mere 3.8%. It’s the
business world taking a long, careful look.

Altman’s 4-Day Drama

Sam Altman, for so many figurehead of AI, pulled off a CEO
merry-go-round in just four days. Fired and rehired, it was certainly a
quick bit of boardroom drama. Well, it’s all settled now, so let’s see what the
future holds.

2023 was just the start, who knows where we’ll end up.

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