1 in 5 UK employees concerned about missed career opportunities due to fertility struggles

1 in 5 UK employees concerned about missed career opportunities due to fertility struggles

A new study reveals widespread concerns that fertility problems interfere with career aspirations.

Only 16% of companies have supportive policies for employees who struggle with their fertility, according to 2023 Survey of the Stigma of Infertility in the Workplace. This is despite a new report from the World Health Organization finding that 1 in 6 people worldwide are infertile.

In addition, only 1 in 4 people took euthanasia or paid leave for their fertility appointments. The news follows the proposal of a new Fertility Treatment Employment Rights Bill to give employees the legal right to take time off from work to attend fertility clinic appointments.

The 2023 Workplace Infertility Stigma Survey was commissioned by Fertility Family, the experts in supporting those trying to conceive, to detect whether this common problem is taken into account in the workplace. The survey gathered insights from 248 British employees who have faced workplace difficulties due to their fertility journey to gain more insights into how UK companies can better support their employees’ fertility struggles in the workplace.

The study also found that employees feel compelled to lie to their employers and fear for their careers because of the stigma of infertility:

  • 20% of employees would rather call in sick than tell their employer when they are fertile (rising to 44% for those ages 45-54)

  • 1 in 16 employees felt the need to delay their fertility journey until they were in a senior position until they were ‘taken seriously’ by their company

  • One in five employees surveyed feared they would miss out on future opportunities if their employer became aware of their fertility struggles.

An anonymous respondent shares his experience with “occupational fear” during his fertility journey:

“I initially discussed fertility issues with my line manager (who) was flexible and supportive when it came to attending my appointments. However, this discussion occurred only 3 months after I started my labor. She mentioned that she had not yet shared this with upper management because It may jeopardize my career and the growth of the company.

“I’ve had issues with the company’s lack of support and knowledge of infertility. I feel like women, in particular, are afraid to open up about this topic for fear of losing job opportunities. I definitely struggled in that aspect and how I would balance my goals between work and fertility. Hopefully there will be time In which women will not have to choose between their public health and their careers.”

What do employees want from their companies?

Findings from the 2023 Workplace Infertility Stigma Survey show that 1 in 4 of those surveyed felt their company understood and supported them. Most employees would like employers to offer work flexibility (77%) to allow employees to leave on fertility-related appointments.

More than half of employees believe that paid leave should be provided for those who struggle with their fertility. Similarly, 41% of employees agree that financial support and fertility counseling (34%) should be provided to employees undergoing fertility treatment. More than a third of employees want line managers to receive training on fertility issues and how to handle these conversations with colleagues, as only 2% of line managers have had such training.

Kate Palmer, Director of Human Resources Consulting and Consulting Peninsulahe says: “It can be daunting for an employee to share details about their health, particularly with sensitive conditions such as fertility, so it is important to create a culture of open communication and support. Doing this allows employees to seek the help they need, which in turn contributes to greater productivity.” contentment and retention.

Providing mental health first aid and/or designating Fertility Champions or Women’s Health can be a great starting point to raise awareness and show support for those experiencing fertility struggles. These people can be a point of contact for those who may not want to discuss this with a line manager or a member of the HR team.

A fertility policy that includes support measures available for individuals experiencing difficulties in this area can be greatly beneficial in helping affected employees feel confident and comfortable on the job. It also raises awareness of the difficulties employees must manage, to help colleagues and managers know how to offer empathy and care.

“Employers should also make sure that all senior employees are trained on how to discuss health conditions in the most effective and empathetic manner. Managers who inadvertently don’t get the support and resources to have such conversations may be doing more harm than good, so it’s really important to pay attention. attention to this region.
