‘A Better World Through Financial Freedom’: Why Preston Pysh Is Bullish On Bitcoin 2023

For Preston Pysh, the Bitcoin 2023 event in Miami is an opportunity to showcase a solution to the collapsing global financial system.

As part of an investing-focused podcast recently It exceeded 100 million downloadsPreston Pysh describes the basics of Bitcoin and explores the case for investing in it, distilling some of the more informed aspects of the technology for listeners who may not realize how important it is. He has a knack for hosting the most experienced guests to explain the most pressing topics.

For example, Pysh has released recent episodes describing an evolving bitcoin mining policy in Texas with Pierre Rochardone of which explores the state of the ancient financial system with A thousand picatello And one that explains the decentralized social networking platform Noster with the developer William Kasarin.

Pysh constantly hosts timely and in-depth conversations with insightful guests, resulting in one of the best outlets for exploring how Bitcoin is changing our world. Now, he’ll bring that vision to the stage at Bitcoin 2023, where his combination of traditional investing expertise and a thorough understanding of Bitcoin’s impacts will grapple with a global financial environment that seems to be spinning out of control.

“I think one of the hot topics that will be discussed is the inability of central banks to control inflation and what that means for Bitcoin,” Bish said in an interview with Bitcoin Magazine. It seems that the OPEC+ and BRICS countries are trying to exercise their control over energy production and distribution in the face of the Western Central Bank’s policies trying to control interest rates and sanctions. I expect this situation to really intensify in the second and third quarters of 2023 and the detrimental impact will be seen as the lack of control over the price of fiat currency by policy makers.”

While such an unstable economic situation wreaks havoc in the form of declining wealth and uncertainty around the world, Pysh remains bullish on bitcoin as a solution and optimistic about its trajectory for 2023.

“Longer HODLers in Bitcoin are showing a level of conviction that I rarely see in any other asset class,” he explained. “With increasingly manipulative central bank policies, I predict that by the end of 2023, we will see these institutions lose a degree of control, injecting an unprecedented volume of fiat currency into the global economy. Thus, I expect bitcoin to thrive and gain significantly more than any denomination. other assets as the year draws to a close.”

His perspective on Bitcoin’s technical developments and their implications, combined with his well-proven experience in traditional finance, is what makes Pysh a unique and strong advocate. With that in perspective, he highlights the progress of one project in particular since the Bitcoin 2022 event.

“Since the last conference, I am thrilled with the developments going on in the Bitcoin community, particularly those related to federations, or ‘Federated Mints,’” Pysh said. “These apps work with a federation of custodians to manage funds, rather than a central entity, and integrate seamlessly with the network Bitcoin’s Lightning Network… Impressive progress has been made on this front amid bitcoin price declines, demonstrating the ingenuity and unwavering commitment of the Bitcoin community in driving development of the underlying software infrastructure and other building blocks.”

Like the Pysh podcast, the Bitcoin Conference is designed to showcase the most insightful voices on either front of this monetary and technical revolution. It is a place where problems are exposed and a foundational solution explored. For Pysh, Bitcoin 2023 will be an opportunity to do what he does best as a content creator: talk to the brightest minds on earth and help others learn from them as he does.

“These gatherings provide an opportunity to unite with individuals who share a deep understanding and appreciation for a better world through financial freedom and empowerment,” he concluded. “All of the panel discussions are thought-provoking and important for personal growth. Not to mention how can you not love Miami?”
