ACTG Presents Study at CROI Demonstrating Increased Risk of Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease After Switch to Integrase Inhibitor-Containing Regimen

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Los Angeles, March 08, 2025 (Globe Newswire)-Actg, a global clinical experience network focused on HIV and other infectious diseases, today provided data that shows that the transformation into an antiviral system based on the integrated inhibitor has increased the risk of weight gain and the Kordium complications over the next five years compared to the assembly on the inauguration without the amazing installation Integrated. They did not find a growing danger of harmful cardiovascular events (MACE), such as heart attacks or strokes. These results were shared by a study (random experiment to prevent vascular events in HIV) as the width of the late poster, “the risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases after converting to the devastating inhibitor in rural” at the 2025 conference on pituitary viruses and opportunistic infection (CROI) in San Francisco, California.

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The Repieve was the first large -scale clinical trial to test the initial prevention strategy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease among people with HIV. It found that the participants who took the calcium Pitavastatin (the daily statin pill that reduces cholesterol in cholesterol) reduced the MACE risk of 36 percent compared to those who receive an imaginary drug over a medium period of five years of follow -up.

Joseph c. Iron, President of North Carolina University: “This analysis of Repieve provides an in -depth assessment of the metabolic effects of switching to Integrase inhibitors.” “While a number of previous studies have reported that unharmed weight gain among people with HIV who started treatment with integrated inhibitor, this is one of the few who evaluated people who were taking other HIV treatments and followed them for more than two years after turning into a compact inhibitor.”

Today, the effect of the transformation into a system based on obesity inhibitors, diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and MACE among the participants in Revrive. This analysis included 2,708 participants in the study who turned into a system that contains an Integrase inhibitor, 82 percent of which included DoluteGravir.

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Among the participants who turned into a system based on the inhibitor of the barrier compared to those who did not do so, the researchers estimated the increased risk of obesity (risk rate): 1.32, 95 % of separation trust (CI): 1.07-1.47), Diabetes (HR: 1.38, 95 % CI: 1.10-1.69) 1.61), and metabolic syndrome (HR: 1.15 , 95 % CI: 1.00-1.31). They did not find the increased risk of MAR (HR: 1.03, 95 % CI: 0.63, 1.52). The researchers have indicated that it will be important for future studies to determine whether taking fusion inhibitors leads to cardiovascular diseases (including heart attacks and strokes) in the long term, and investigating potential heart attacks.

“The risk of cardiovascular complications associated with small integration inhibitors in this study,” said Stephen Grensbone, senior authors in the study. “However, given that obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and metabolic syndrome increased after turning into a system -based system, and that they are all important contributors to the risk of cardiovascular disease, individuals who have the combined barrier systems for long heart complications in the long run should be monitored.”

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In 2015, Retrive began cooperative agreements (HL12339, HL123336, HL164284, and HL164285) and was a cooperative effort between the National Institutes of National Institutes (NIH) National (NIH), National Institute (NHLBI) (NHLBI). And Actg (AI068636). I received additional funding from the NIH AIDS Research Office, Kowa Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.

The study is led by Dr. Grensbone and Pamela S. Douglas, PhD in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine at Duke University (Co -Chair), which led the Clinical Coordination Center and Heather Ribaudo, PhD, Harvard Public Health School (Statistics Leadership), Michael Lu, MD, MPH, Harvard Medical School and Massachustustts General Hetal (Protocol Mechanist mechaniance.

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Actg is the largest and longest clinical experience network focused on HIV, other infectious diseases and people who live with them. It is funded by Niaid and the cooperation of the National Institutes of Health. ACTG was founded in 1987, conducting research to improve HIV management and accompanying diseases; Development of HIV treatment. Creating tuberculosis, hepatitis B and emerging infectious diseases. It includes thousands of dedicated researchers, employees and members of society who follow research in new treatments and treatments for infectious diseases in 65 sites across four continents, with the ultimate goal of the progress of science that benefits the lives of the people we serve.

Responsibility: This content is only the responsibility of ACTG and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Media contact:
Rachel Reese, Actg

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