Amdocs is the only high-tech co in Sderot

Harel Givon, general manager of Amdocs Israel, told the Globes Business South conference at Sapir Academic College that the work in Sderot has paid off. Speaking with Globes high-tech editor Assaf Gilad in a panel discussion discussing the role of economics and high-tech in revitalizing the South, he said: “The company has values ​​that it wants to promote. The return on our investment is economic, but not only is Amdocs been in Sderot for 22 years and we have grown.” With the city, the deployment of Amdocs in Israel is consistent with our social values ​​and we have offices in Nazareth, Raanana and Sderot.

Givon said that 86% of the workers at the development center in Sderot live in the area. “No one wants to be evicted, not only because they are satisfied, but also because there is simply no alternative. Amdocs is the only high-tech company here and there is no problem finding employees in the area, we are in touch with academia, Sderot as a city is strong and we We integrate young people into high-tech education.”

Givon added that he met with companies in the industry to fulfill his promise to Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi, “to do everything in their power to bring five companies to open offices here and grow.” This is despite the fact that the high-tech industry in the world and in Israel is not growing at the moment. “Every large company has 20 to 30 people living in the south and this is better for them than traveling to the center of the country.” According to him, the government's plans focus on the next two years, while companies in the south need long-term assistance. country area.”

Assaf Gilad pointed out that companies are reluctant to open development centers in the Gaza border area.

Jevon responded that the basic conditions are education, academia and transportation infrastructure. “This problem must be addressed through government benefits, which until October 6 were in the right direction, but now they must be at completely different multiples. We need to give an incentive to workers who are seven kilometers away from the Gaza Strip in terms of taxes and we need to encourage people “We will build here and prepare five-year plans for high-tech companies.”

Also on the panel was Michel Frank, a senior advisor to the Tecoma administration for the revitalization of the Gaza border area and former director general of the Ministry of Transport. “People need certainty about the future and a roof over their heads,” she said. “Employment concerns us all for self-actualization and financial security, but people in the Gaza Strip are not there yet because most of them are still preoccupied with the basics of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.”

She added: “We want to see investment in the economy, businesses and growth engines in the South, so that at the end of five years it will not have to rely on government concessions and benefits, but rather it will be competitive, environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly.” Nearby, it is densely populated with over 30% of academics.

Full disclosure: The conference was sponsored by Bank Hapoalim, Strauss, Sderot Municipality, Amdocs, Haifa Group, Sapir Academic College, Place El, and with the participation of Soroka Medical Center and the Port of Ashdod.

Published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on June 4, 2024.

© Copyright Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

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