Average monthly wage in Israel exceeds NIS 14,000

Preliminary figures for March 2024 show that the average monthly wage reached NIS 14,108, an increase of 3.5% from March 2023, according to Central Bureau of Statistics reports.

Preliminary figures for March 2024 show that the average monthly wage reached NIS 14,108, an increase of 3.5% from March 2023, according to Central Bureau of Statistics reports. During that period there was inflation of 2.7%, so the rise was only slight. During this period, the number of paid jobs fell by 1.8%, but rose by 1% since February 2024.

Full figures for February 2024 show the average monthly wage was NIS 13,539, up 9.2% from February 2023. Even taking inflation into account, the average real wage over the same period rose by 6.5%. In contrast, the number of wage jobs decreased slightly over the past year from 3,991,000 in February 2023 to 3,923,000 wage jobs in February 2024.

In the technology sector, the average monthly wage for employees in February 2024 was NIS 33,964, an increase of 13.2% from February 2023. The number of paid jobs in the technology sector was almost unchanged, falling by 0.2% from February of last year, and also remained the same. Unchanged since January 2023. Overall, wage employment in the technology sector rose more than 10%, to 10.1% of total jobs in the economy.

Published by Globes, Israel Business News – en.globes.co.il – on May 5, 2024.

© Copyright Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Average wage in Israel Credit: Shutterstock Rita Kapitulski

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