Bitcoin As The World’s First Over-Unity Power Generator

This is an op-ed by Kevin Melody, a knot runner and real estate specialist.

“Excessive” power generator (similar to the concept of A Perpetual motion machine) is a virtual device that produces more power than is required to operate it. Although there is a great deal of controversy in this field, the prevailing scientific consensus is that excessive unit energy generation is impossible, as it defies the first law of thermodynamics.

According to this lawEnergy can undergo transformations from one form to another, but the total amount of energy within a closed system remains constant. This principle is derived from experimental observations and has been validated by many experiments and theoretical frameworks.

In practical terms, this means that energy cannot be created “out of nothing” and cannot spontaneously disappear. It exists in various forms, such as mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, and nuclear energy. These forms can be transformed into each other, but the total amount of energy remains constant throughout the process.

However, it is important to note that the law of conservation of energy applies to closed or isolated systems where there are no external sources or sinks of energy. In open systems, such as those that interact with their surroundings, Energy can be exchanged with the environmentwhich leads to changes in the total energy of the system.

For proponents, the trick behind the concept of an over-unit generator of energy is that it does not, in fact, break the law of conservation of energy. On the surface, it appears to be a closed system (that is, a system that supplies itself with energy and keeps itself running as well as producing excess energy). But many of them believe that such an invention is possible. They do not claim that the device produces energy from nothing. They claim that once the device starts up, it can draw power from a coil Unproven source Then use that energy to power itself forever as well as save the excess energy for some other useful purpose.

There have been many devices created that claim to be able to take advantage of this “free energy” source, but to date, none of these devices has been proven to work experimentally. However, there is a persistent notion that many of them actually work and that they are being deliberately suppressed and withheld from the public.

Are over-unit devices real?

Conspiracy theories about suppressing over-unit devices It indicates that powerful entities, such as governments, corporations and energy conglomerates, actively prevent the development and deployment of these technologies due to economic interests, desire to retain power and control, national security concerns, patent and legal issues and other related reasons.

If conspiracy theories are true, these technologies can be suppressed because they depend on third parties for protection. For example, inventors typically apply for patents, assuming that patent law enforced by governments will enable them to monetize their inventions without fear of theft or exploitation by bad actors.

However, governments are made of people, and people are subject to bribery, extortion, coercion, and their own personal prejudices, as well as many other influences. The common denominator is trust. If you have to trust a third party, you are subject to that party’s honesty, integrity, ability, and resources.

Enter Bitcoin, a unique user of energy

Enter Bitcoin: the first technological discovery in human history designed specifically to resist and discourage violence.

The Bitcoin network has mainly survived because the only way to attack it is to turn it against itself. But the bitcoin network Anti-shatter: The more powerful she gets, the stronger she gets, and that includes attacks against herself! The only practical way to defeat it is via a 51% attack, and to date, no successful attack has been performed against the Bitcoin network. In fact, such an attack is so difficult and expensive that potential attackers would benefit more by dedicating the same resources to mining Bitcoin and spending it honestly.

As a result of its resistance to fragility, the Bitcoin network has proven to be a very reliable way to convert energy into stored value. In a sense, Bitcoin is the equivalent of a battery that allows its users to recover almost all of the energy given for their creation/acquisition at any time in the future. In addition, due to its fixed supply of units, each unit will also be captured The deflationary effect of technology advancement. The end result is that, in a way, users can tap into more power in the future than is required to create/acquire each unit at any given time.

Therefore, the Bitcoin network effectively operates like a hyper-modular power generator using the energy it receives from external sources to power and protect itself as well as capture additional external energy over time.

Compare this with Fiat’s system, which claims to be able to break the law of conservation of energy by creating value out of thin air. But note that even the “most powerful” Fiat systems all require inflation to function at any given time. Inflation is a euphemism for theft and all users in such a system participate in theft to one degree or another. The main beneficiaries are Those in charge of establishing and distributing monetary unitsBut everyone using the system is counting on receiving some value from the productive efforts of others without having to contribute to those productive efforts themselves. for their surplus production, Reasonable people will look for a way to save rather than spend.

thus, everyone Fiat systems ultimately fail because they require energy stolen by fraud and coercion from the actual producers and the actual producers save a great deal of their production efforts into more efficient systems (for example, real estate and stocks). Because no new energy is created by the system, and much less energy is input than is extracted, the system eventually fails due to lack of energy.

This is how the Bitcoin network ultimately wins: the people who produce value will see it as a better way to escape the parasitic monetary system, thus depriving it of energy and starving it to death.

This is a guest post by Kevin Melody. The opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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