Bitcoin’s rally at a crossroads: Watch out for profit takers

Bitcoin is up 86% since November 2022. Why do traders get (at least partial) profit?

Traders who have been profitable on a prolonged rally, such as early bitcoin buyers before an extended rally, may choose to sell or exit at least part of their positions at a price considered to be a “cross” in terms of technical analysis for a variety of reasons:

  1. Take profit: After big wins, traders may choose to make some of their profits by selling part of their holdings. This is a wise decision as it allows them to take profits while reducing their exposure to risk, especially if they feel the market is going to reverse or consolidate soon.
  2. Technical Analysis It sometimes necessitates identifying significant resistance levels or price areas where selling pressure is expected to intensify. Traders may choose to sell at these points in anticipation of a possible reversal or slowdown in the upside of the market.
  3. Selling at a technical crossroads can be a part of the trader’s overall trade Risk management strategy. Traders can reduce their exposure to potential market declines by taking some profits off the table while still holding a position in the asset if the rally continues.
  4. Psychological biasesMarket participants often experience psychological biases such as FOMO or the stop effect, which can influence their decision making. By creating a firm exit point based on technical analysis rather than emotional reasons, selling at the cross can help traders overcome these biases.
  5. Portfolio rebalancingTo maintain targeted asset allocation or risk exposure, traders and investors may need to rebalance their portfolios on a regular basis. If a specific asset, such as Bitcoin, has performed well and has grown to represent a larger portion of the portfolio, selling some of it at a technical crossroads can help return the portfolio to its target allocation. This procedure helps to maintain the required risk profile and diversification strategy.
  6. Follow trends and trading strategiesTechnical Analysis: Many traders base their trading methods on technical analysis, and these systems may determine specific entry and exit positions based on chart patterns or indicators. As a result, selling at a technical crossroads can be part of a trader’s prepared strategy.
  7. market liquidityTrading volumes tend to grow at points of convergence due to the increased interest and convergence of diverse market participants. Because of the improved liquidity, traders may be able to execute larger orders without materially affecting the market price.
  8. Anticipate market reactionsSkilled traders are aware that other players in the market use technical analysis and may take similar actions. Traders may seek to prevent future selling pressure from other market participants by selling at the crossroads, ensuring a better exit price for their positions.

Bitcoin Technical Analysis (Video): Bears Likely to Come

    The recent Bitcoin boom has intrigued cryptocurrency traders and Bitcoin buyers all over the world. With an increase of 86% since November 22, and reaching a peak around $27,840, many traders are wondering if it is time to take profits.
    Profit taking appears to be on the horizon, according to the following BTCUSD technical analysis.

    The trading channel shown in the technical analysis video, with enough touch points on both the upper and lower bands, suggests that Bitcoin is approaching a potential turning point. The VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) from the November low has also played a significant role in sustaining the price through past downturns, and now, the price may soon react to a second higher standard deviation (some algae play this).
    With Bitcoin approaching the upper band of the channel and a potential wedge pattern, traders may see this as an opportunity to take some profits before the next move. The potential target for a price decline in the short-term is around $24,300, which corresponds to a pivotal rally in August 2022.
    But, if bitcoin continues to rise and reaches around $29,800, the current dismal situation may need to be reconsidered. A close of the daily candlestick above $29,350 might indicate that the rally will continue and that the $30,000 level will be tested.
    To sum up, the current technical analysis suggests that profit-takers may enter the market soon, leading to a short-term decline in the Bitcoin price. Traders should keep an eye on important levels and be ready to change their strategy as the market develops, according to the analysis in the Bitcoin technical analysis video above. Trade BTCUSD at your own risk and visit for additional views.