Bitcoin's Role In Defending Democracy In Nicaragua With Félix Maradiaga

In 2024 Bitcoin Policy SummitNicaraguan pro-democracy activist Felix Maradiaga shared his insights on the severe challenges facing his country, which is under the authoritarian rule of Daniel Ortega.

According to Maradiaga, the people of Nicaragua are losing their freedoms at an alarming rate.

“According to the Freedom in the World Report“We have the very unfortunate mark of being the country that has lost the most freedoms over the past year,” Maradiaga told Bitcoin Magazine.

He added: “Imagine a country where you could go to prison for raising the national flag, tweeting, receiving money transfers from an international donor, or expressing your opinions on social media.”

“This is the situation in Nicaragua.”

Maradiaga noted that 130 people are currently being arbitrarily detained for political reasons, and that over the past three years, more than 1,700 people have been imprisoned in inhumane conditions. He was one of those 1,700.

The oppressive environment has forced approximately 12% of the population into exile, according to Maradiaga.

Using Bitcoin to combat financial repression

Maradiaga is now working to rebuild the capacity of Nicaragua's democratic opposition from abroad, and his advocacy includes using Bitcoin to circumvent the financial repression used by the Ortega regime.

After he thanked his wife, Bertha Valle, as well Human Rights Foundation Introducing Bitcoin, Maradiaga Chief Strategy Officer Alex Gladstein recounted an example of how the technology has helped pro-democracy freedom fighters on the front lines in Nicaragua.

In 2018, when his team of human rights defenders compiled reports on the situation in Nicaragua, participants in the operation were compensated through traditional financial bars.

The Ortega regime gained access to those financial records with the help of the European Union, the United Nations, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), leading to the persecution of those involved in the Maradiaga team's efforts.

“We learned very early on that we couldn't use the traditional banking system because financial repression for political control is actually one area where dictators have learned a lot. They've become very sophisticated,” he explained.

To combat this, Maradiaga and his colleagues turned to Bitcoin.

“Bitcoin is the only tool resistant to financial repression by tyrants,” Maradiaga said.

Misuse of anti-money laundering regulation

Looking at global politics, Maradiaga discussed the broader implications of Bitcoin-related legislation and regulation.

pointed to Magnitsky Justice Campaignwhich uses sanctions against repressive regimes, noted that these regimes retaliate by freezing the bank accounts of freedom fighters, often under the guise of international money laundering regulations approved by institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

He went on to explain that anti-money laundering rules are often used to target the wrong parties.

“We have seen 3,400 NGOs closed using this particular law,” Maradiaga explained.

He said that the mechanisms developed after World War II are outdated and that adopting new technologies such as Bitcoin is essential.

Policymakers should educate themselves about Bitcoin

Maradiaga urged decision makers around the world to educate themselves about Bitcoin.

“Policymakers around the world who are skeptical about Bitcoin should acknowledge the fact that it is completely understandable to have questions when they do not understand any technology.” “Once you get familiar with this technology, you can really see that this is a tool that I think is much more viable for addressing these challenges than the traditional monetary (system).”

The global battle against dictators

Maradiaga also stressed that Nicaragua's struggle is part of a larger issue.

“Dictators cooperate with each other,” he said.

“They share technology. They support themselves with weapons and mechanisms of repression,” he added.

“We who believe in freedom, human dignity, human rights, and free and just societies need to cooperate with each other.”

Maradiaga shared that people can participate in his efforts World Freedom Congress.

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