China’s foreign minister blasts the US over tariffs at his annual meeting with journalists

China’s foreign minister blasts the US over tariffs at his annual meeting with journalists

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Taipei, Taiwan (AP) – besides overcoming the United States, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reaffirmed the Chinese Sea demands in China, and the bombing of Japan because of its previous aggression and covered a wide range of other issues during its annual meeting with the press. Here are some of the main topics that it covers during his press conference on Friday.

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Wang says that the South China Sea tensions are a “theatrical play” that we lead

China has repeatedly clashed with the Philippines because of the ownership of the islands in the South China Sea, which is completely rich in China China. However, Wang was fast to blame elsewhere, saying that Manila was manipulated by the forces “outside the region”, her usual period of the United States.

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Wang described the entire conflict as the “shadow play”, saying that an unidentified regional official used the term in a modern meeting, and said that every accident was a “line of scenario” published by foreign media with the aim of “staining China.”

“China will continue to protect its regional sovereignty, rights and marine interests in accordance with the law. When the Thomas Shoal and Scarborough show, we will also reflect our human spirit according to the actual needs. But I want to make it clear here that violation and provocation will inevitably carry its fruits, and that those who want to get rid of chess pieces will be eliminated in the end.”

Myanmar fraud centers that prey on Chinese citizens

Wang also said that the Chinese cooperation with his neighbors has eliminated many vehicles in which Chinese citizens are forced, and many of them, or forced them with false promises of legitimate jobs, to contact people in China in an attempt to extract money from them through false claims of debt or other illegal means.

“All cybersecurity in North Myanmar has been cleared near the border. China, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos are working together to break cybersliia in the Thai border area. Our mission is to cut off evil hands that reach people and eliminate online fraud online.

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Such operations, which are usually associated with organized crimes, are reputable to resume operations elsewhere. China was fighting the case for years as gangs are growing increasingly in reaching the special information of the victims. Hundreds of other countries were also arrested in fraudulent plans targeting victims in distant places such as the United States.

China warns of Japanese support for Taiwan

Wang pointed to the next eighty anniversary of the end of World War II, saying, “There are still some people in Japan who have not been reflected in their mistakes.” China's education and advertising systems maintain live memories of the brutal invasion in Japan, occupy a large part of China before and during the war, and anti -Japan consumers and other protests that emanate on the perceived ribs.

Wang also linked the issue to Taiwan, a self -government democracy that was a Japanese colony until the end of the war and that maintains close relations with Japan to this day. China claims that the island as its own area and threatened to control power if necessary. “It is better to remember that if Taiwan causes trouble, then causing a problem in Japan,” Wang said.

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China also claims that the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea are controlled by Japan, and it regularly sends ships and aircraft to areas surrounding them, as is the case with Taiwan. This drives Japan to scramble aircraft to defend what they say are the islands that have been legally absorbed before World War II because there is no other nation that has a legal claim to it. This has also proven to be a source of tension in the region and an area that China can challenge the authority and allies of the United States.

China explodes towards Asia and the Pacific

Wand described China as “the center of stability in Asia, the engine of economic development and regional security support”, with the US bombing of medium -range missiles around China and “did nothing but stimulate trouble and create divisions.” China calls for “the opening of the regional and the exchange of development opportunities in Asia on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefits and victory results.”

Wang said: “If every country emphasizes my country first and is obsessed with a position of strength, then the law of the forest will rule (through) the world again.” While China was the issue of suspicion and anxiety from the Indian Ocean to northern Japan, the South Pacific recently appeared as a major competition from the unilateral competition between China, the United States, Australia and New Zealand on the other side.

Chinese secret security agreements and infrastructure promises prompted tightening the three relations in appreciation of the island's strategic location after years of what some described as negligence. However, cutting the United States to help, along with generous Chinese incentives, can push them to the Beijing arms. Three of these – Tuwalo, Palau and Marshall Islands are also among a handful of official diplomatic allies in Taiwan.

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