Competition Authority allows Delek takeover of Isracard

Competition Authority allows Delek takeover of Isracard

The authority of competition is the easiest of the organizational obstacles that must be overcome by the deal, and the other is the supervisor of banks.

Competition Authority, headed by ADV. Michel Cohen agreed to acquire ISRACARD (Tase: ISCD) from Dilek Group (Tase: Dlekg), which is controlled by Yitzhak Tshuva and its head is IDAN Wallace.

The Competition Authority's decision is one of the two organizational obstacles that Delek Group needs to overcome before it can complete its planned seizure on ISRARACARD with a rating of 3.65 billion NIS. It is also easier to get the two, since Delek Group does not have any activity that can constitute a barrier against the competition. It may be difficult to persuade the second organizer, the bank’s supervisor of the Bank of Israel.

ISRACARD is a credit card company supervised by the Bank of Israel. In December, when Delik's attempt for Acerradard became public, it was reported that he started discussions with the Bank of Israel in early June last year. The bank’s supervisor, Daniel Hehashvili, has his own timetable, and a strict approach to all stages of the operation. However, the evaluation is that Delek will eventually get the approval it needs.

It was published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on March 14, 2025.

© Copy Publish Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. , 2025.

Yitzhak Tshuva Credit: Gidon Levy and Tali Bogdanovsky

Yitzhak Tshuva Credit: Gidon Levy and Tali Bogdanovsky
