Dallas Fed Texas June service sector outlook survey -8.2 vs -17.3 prior

  • Latest Dallas Fed poll for June 2023

Adam Bouton

Tue, 06/27/2023 | 14:31 GMT – 0

06/27/2023 | 14:31 GMT – 0

  • It was before -17.3
  • Revenue forecast +3.6 vs. +6.9 prior
  • Wages +18.6 vs. the previous +16.6
  • Selling prices +12.8 vs. +13.8 previous
  • The company’s forecast is -1.4 vs. the previous -9.5
  • details

The numbers were optimistic during the survey and dispute the idea of ​​a recession anytime soon.

/U.S. dollar

U.S. dollar

The US dollar, ($ symbol, USD symbol) is the paper currency of the United States of America (USD) and the most traded currency globally. It was introduced to the United States in the late eighteenth century, with banknotes not being distributed until the next century. The US dollar, also known informally as the greenback, is the world’s premier reserve currency, in large part due to the importance of the US economy on the world stage. The US dollar is now backed by gold (in the 20th century)

The US dollar, ($ symbol, USD symbol) is the paper currency of the United States of America (USD) and the most traded currency globally. It was introduced to the United States in the late eighteenth century, with banknotes not being distributed until the next century. The US dollar, also known informally as the greenback, is the world’s premier reserve currency, in large part due to the importance of the US economy on the world stage. The US dollar is now backed by gold (in the 20th century)
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