Dave Ramsey Has a Blunt Opinion About Hiring Millennials and Gen Z

Dave Ramsey Has a Blunt Opinion About Hiring Millennials and Gen Z

The radio personality expresses a judgment.

Personal finance personality Dave Ramsey recently revealed his feelings about youth hiring.

He gave his opinion in response to a respondent who said she was worried about them joining her family’s business.

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Dave was written by a counseling student named Sarah, she says KTAR News in Arizona on April 18. “I’m the managing partner of a family business. We’d love to add to our team, but I worry we can’t try to hold millennials and Gen Zers to the same standards as other generations without losing them. How do you feel about that?”

Ramsey was matter-of-fact in his response.

He replied, “Sarah.” “Listen, I’ve got a building full of Gen Zers and millennials — and I love them. If you hire the right people, you get the people who like calluses on their hands and on their brains. They make the interview process easy too, because there are only two types of these millennials: Those who are incredibly cool and the ones who aren’t.”

Ramsey provided a further assessment of the qualities of the younger generations as employees.

“But great people are not afraid of hard work,” he wrote. “They’re passionate, smart, and mission-driven. I mean, they’ll charge the gates of hell with water guns for something they believe in.”

“But that means you have to provide meaning to the work that they do,” he added. “They want to see that their work relates to something important. They want to be treated with dignity, not like production units. And they have questioning minds. Most of them want to know why you do things the way you do. Everything works for me just fine and always has been.”

Ramsay provides Sarah with a word of caution about how to deal with young workers.

“Now, they’re the two worst generations to work for someone who’s just a boss. That’s because bosses push while leaders pull back,” he advised. “If you want to pull off, you have to communicate and communicate and share a vision that draws people to your mission. Bosses, for the most part, have a ‘do it this way because I said so’ attitude. To last long with Gen Zers and millennials.”

Ramsey tells Sarah that he understands her concerns and knows people who have similar doubts.

Even so, I get where you’re coming from, Sarah. I still have friends and co-workers telling me we’re going to lose everyone in these generations if we don’t give in and give them things like “the flexibility to work from home” — which really means, “I don’t want to work a lot” or “I want to work all the time.”

Listen, I don’t understand that everyone who works from home falls into one of those two categories, but some do. There are people who work 80 hours a week because they just can’t leave their screens and live a life. Or they work three hours a day and call it “work from home”. This isn’t working from home – it’s working part time hours for full time pay. This is called stealing.

But millennials and generation Zers? I am a big fan of these generations. I really like them personally. They are, for the most part, real, genuine people and hard workers. If you give them what you must as a leader, they will blow you away with their intelligence and what they can achieve!

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