Decentralized Social Networking App Damus Set To Be Removed From Apple's App Store

Decentralized Social Networking App Damus Set To Be Removed From Apple's App Store

In a surprising turn of events, Damus, the popular decentralized social networking app built on Nostr, faces removal from Apple’s App Store. Apple alleges that Damus violates its guidelines by allowing users to submit “tips” (zaps) associated with receiving content from digital content creators through a mechanism other than in-app purchase. This violation of the 3.1.1 – Business – Payments – In-App Purchase guideline prompted Apple to take action, according to the letter sent to Damus creator William Casarin.

The news comes at a critical time for Damus and its creator, who was set to give a talk at the Freedom Forum in Oslo on how decentralized social networks, integrated with lightning technology, can bring financial freedom to the masses. The impending removal from the App Store raises concerns about the freedom to conduct peer-to-peer transactions on the platform and has broader implications for apps that rely on Lightning integration and the App Store’s value-for-value models.

In an official communication from Apple’s App Review, Damus received notice that an update compliant with the App Store Review Guidelines must be submitted within 14 days to ensure the app is available. Failure to comply within the specified time frame will result in the application being removed from sale. In addition, if Damus is found to be out of compatibility and is rejected even after the 14-day period, it will remain unavailable until a compatible update is submitted, approved, and released.

Damus’ removal from the App Store will not only affect existing users, but also external and internal testing through the release of TestFlight. All public TestFlight links will stop working if the app is removed.

This development raises questions about the future of apps with Lightning integration and potential limitations on peer-to-peer transactions on the Apple platform. It remains to be seen how Damos and its creator will respond to this setback and whether they can find a solution that aligns with Apple’s guidelines while preserving the core principles of decentralization and financial freedom.

An interesting note is that Twitter allows “tips” through the Lightning Network if it is enabled in a profile a lot big accounts He works. It’s unclear how this functionality differs from the zap feature within Damus, which both use Lightning and don’t rely on in-app purchases.

In the face of uncertainty, Kasarin He expressed his concerns, explaining, “If people can’t transact freely peer-to-peer on their platform, that will have major implications for the entire ecosystem of apps with lightning and v4v integration.” The statement reflects the seriousness of the situation and the potential ramifications for the broader ecosystem of decentralized social networking applications.

In another note posted on Nostr, Casarin said “It was a great honor with y’all,” implying that the most likely next step is to remove zaps in order to comply with App Store regulations. Responses to the memo expressed support and appreciation for creating the app, and hope that zaps will return at some point.

US Congressman Warren Davidson A statement was issued on Twitter, which read in part, “Peer-to-peer payments without permission are necessary to defend freedom.” Additionally, Twitter founder and former CEO Jack Dorsey He tweeted at Apple CEO Tim Cook Saying that The Job “has the potential to bring people around the world into an economy without the traditional gatekeepers. Please reconsider @tim_cook.”

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