Declaration Of Monetary Independence To Reappear At Bitcoin 2023

Declaration Of Monetary Independence To Reappear At Bitcoin 2023

Disclaimer: Bitcoin 2023 and Bitcoin Magazine are both powered by BTC Inc.

The Declaration of Monetary Independence (DoMI), which debuted at Bitcoin 2022 in Miami Beach, will present again at Bitcoin 2023. The 9-foot by 12-foot document had such an impact on previous conference attendees that thousands of Bitcoin enthusiasts added their signatures. to the piece of art. DoMI It is basically the 21st century version of the Declaration of Independence, with 27 reasons listed as to why fiat currency is an unfair and broken monetary system controlled by governments that favor the richest and most privileged. The second half of the document lists 29 reasons why Bitcoin is the most fair and equal monetary system ever.

In Bitcoin 2022, DoMI was displayed at the entrance to the Nakamoto platform, attracting the attention of everyone who entered. The signing got off to a slow start, but after one of the document’s original authors signed it, hundreds of attendees began adding their own signatures to the piece of art. Over the course of the three-day conference, thousands of people signed the document, making it resemble activist street art over a replica of the original Declaration of Independence.

With Bitcoin 2023 approaching, Bitcoin fans are eagerly looking forward to the re-emergence of DoMI. The document will again be featured prominently at the conference, this time on a 10-by-8-foot document with a “Tick toc next block” background at the Lightning Food Court, reminding everyone that money must be separated from state and to promote Bitcoin as the most fair and equal monetary system. Attendees can expect the same enthusiasm and excitement that marked the signing of DoMI at the previous conference, with many people wanting to add their signatures to this historic document.

DoMI is a reminder that Bitcoin is more than just a digital currency; It represents a fundamental shift in the way we think about money and the government’s role in creating and regulating it. As Bitcoin continues to gain wider acceptance and adoption, DoMI will serve as a demonstration of the power of decentralization and the need for a fairer and fairer monetary system.
