Democrats Propose More Bad Bitcoin And Crypto Regulation

Democrats Propose More Bad Bitcoin And Crypto Regulation

On Friday, Maryland delegate Adrian Pavo (D) and the New York Association's man, Clyde Vanil (D) Shared message For the leaders of the Democrats who urge them to pass comprehensive encryption legislation at the federal level.

In the letter, elected officials were martyred that New York State as a leader in encryption and suggested that New York Pier It is used as a model for what must seem to be the organization of federal encryption. The authors of the letter also indicated that New York State put a two -year stopping mining a coded currency from proving work that uses fossil fuels (it seems another thing that the federal government might think).

When reading these points in the letter, I realized that the Democrats are more able to put the ideas of Bitcoin and Crypto policy more than what former Vice President Harris proposed in October 2024, which was “an organizational framework for cryptocurrency and other digital (protecting) black men who invest in these assets.”

(Please note that I support a regulatory framework that protects the right of black men to invest in encryption origins. I also support a frame that protects the right of Asian men, Spanish men, white men, indigenous men, and drawing, and they should invest in anything, and I would like to want to obtain Bitcoin and Crypto policy. Well.)

However, let me allow me to lead to the creation of the US federal government similar to Bitlicense in New York and to put a mining stop on Bitcoin miners who use any fossil fuel will be a bad idea.

Please forgive me, to be emotional in points. This issue is for me, as I am residing in New York State, and I have been damaged by politicians and bureaucrats in the bitcoin and encryption in the state.


New York State requires that all virtual currency companies in the country get a bitlynse.

At the nominal value, obtaining a license to run a work is not harmful enough. But as soon as you learn that it takes months for years to complete all paper works and jump across all the hoops required to get one and that they are The costs of up to $ 100,000 To go to this process, you will quickly see why many companies are not starting in space-don't care about startups in the early stage-until the process begins.

Because of Bitlicense, New York State residents cannot use reputation platforms like Strike, River, SWAN and KAKEN. They cannot use Lightning on CASHAPP or Fiat-To-Bitcoin when folding. This only is the name of some Bitcoin/Crypto products and services that we cannot use due to the red tape.

But it may be more than one slap in the face is that when you try to use some of these platforms as a resident of New York, you are known as messages such as “this exchange does not serve the residents of the judicial states including New York, Iran, Syria and North Korea.”

Really ridiculous the company that the politicians and bureaucrats have developed in New York residents of New York.

If we have to apply Bitlicense at the federal level, we will suffocate with the depth of innovation and entrepreneurship, because we will not greatly hinder Bitcoin and Crypto companies that have money and resources to go through the process of obtaining the federal store or simply do not create an inscription around it with a scenario at the beginning that you cannot get stores.

Federal Bitlicense will be a great obstacle to President Trump's goal of making the United States the power of the Great Bitcoin and the world of encryption in the world. (Perhaps for this reason these Democrats suggested that?)

Stop cleaning

Although I know that the burning fossil fuel is harmful to the environment and I think the human -making climate change is real, I am also supportive of people who are employed with wages and industries are able to prosper.

In New York State, there has been a noticeable shortage of both since the factories began to close in the region after World War II.

What has been replaced by profitability in factories in many parts of New York State is jobs in the services sector that barely enable workers to meet their needs.

The urban scourge in most cities in New York State is so clear that it is nausea.

What we can do to revive New York State calls for bitcoin mining industry. Certainly, bitcoin mining companies may burn some fossil fuels to operate their operations at the beginning, however Bitcoin mining stimulates the production of renewable energyThey can stay away from fossil fuels as an energy source.

Also, if the likes of the association member Vanil and the Governor of New York State, Cathy Hochol (D), were against companies that burn fossil fuels and then 1) Why did they not put a stand on all companies in the state that use fossil fuels? And 2) Why did they not enact laws that do things like all New York residents from using cars that have internal combustion engines?

I ask these questions in a speech, and I know that I will never get answers from either of them, because stopping mining is intended for display – virtue signals, if you will – from anything else.

If they really want to make concerted efforts to stop the environmental damage caused by the burning of fossil fuels in New York, they will do much more than banning bitcoin mining companies that use fossil fuels from working in the state (and they have lowered the New York economy in this process).

If we are applying a mining stop at the federal level, we will not only get many Americans out of work, but we also abandoned a lot of retail to hostile foreign forces that use fossil fuels to stop Bitcoin anyway.

My call to Democrats

Please stop suggesting the regulations that will harm the industry that can provide many Americans.

Please stop listening to the proverbs of the Boafo delegate, a member of the association, or any of the backward Democrats who were consumed, including MAXINE Waters (D-CA) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Instead, start taking queues from more Democrats who think about thinking such as a member of Congress Ro khaanna (D-CA), a member of Congress Richie Torres (D-Ny), former Congress member and Layli Nickel, and politicians who want to see Bitcoin and the industry surrounded in the United States.
