Do Kwon’s Extradition Case Sent Back to High Court after Appeal: Report

The decision to extradite Do Kwon to the United States or South Korea has been returned to the Supreme Court after the Montenegrin Court of Appeal approved an appeal by the Terraform Labs co-founder and his lawyers.

Montenegro's Vijesti news website reported today (Friday) that the country's Court of Appeal accepted the arguments presented by Kwon's lawyers. The action overturned an earlier Supreme Court decision and sent the case back for retrial. The move represents the Kwon team's latest legal strategy to delay his extradition to the United States or South Korea, where he faces multiple criminal charges.

The preliminary ruling issued by the Supreme Court in Podgorica on April 8, 2024, decided that Kwon, a South Korean citizen, could be extradited for trial. However, the Court of Appeal found that this decision lacked decisive facts. Specifically, the Supreme Court failed to provide good reasons for its ruling, merely citing a previous Supreme Court decision without adequate explanation.

The Court of Appeal stressed the need to make a clear decision based on legal and factual issues. When multiple countries request the extradition of the same person, specific criteria guide the decision. These standards are detailed in various international agreements, including the European Extradition Convention and the 1901 Convention between Serbia and the United States. The trial court reportedly did not adequately consider these factors in Kwon's case.

The Supreme Court will now decide the case, ensuring that Kwon's consent to extradition was voluntary, informed and irrevocable. The Supreme Court of Montenegro is now at a crossroads. The upcoming decision will determine whether Do Kwon will face justice in the United States or South Korea.

Competing extradition requests

In March, Montenegro's Supreme State Prosecutor's Office appealed the Supreme Court's decision to extradite Kwon to South Korea. Montenegro's prosecutor asserted that the Supreme Court exceeded its authority by choosing a “short-cut procedure” to extradite Kwon to South Korea, bypassing a more comprehensive legal process.

The Court of Appeal upheld the Supreme Court's decision, but the Supreme Public Prosecutor requested protection of legitimacy from the Supreme Court, stressing that the Minister of Justice alone has the final say in such matters.

The United States also requested Kwon's extradition, charged him with eight charges, and indicated its willingness to try him in absentia. Additionally, the SEC has brought civil charges against Kwon and Terraform Labs.
Kwon disappeared from public view after the disastrous collapse of TerraUSD and Luna Digital currencies

Digital currencies

Using cryptography, virtual currencies, known as cryptocurrencies, are virtually counterfeit-proof digital currencies built on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology consists of decentralized networks, not subject to the supervision of a central authority. Therefore, cryptocurrencies operate by a decentralized nature which makes them theoretically immune to government interference. The term cryptocurrency is derived from the origin of cryptographic techniques used to secure the network.

Using cryptography, virtual currencies, known as cryptocurrencies, are virtually counterfeit-proof digital currencies built on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology consists of decentralized networks, not subject to the supervision of a central authority. Therefore, cryptocurrencies operate by a decentralized nature which makes them theoretically immune to government interference. The term cryptocurrency is derived from the origin of cryptographic techniques used to secure the network.
Read this term In 2022, it wiped out nearly $37 billion from the cryptocurrency market and led to the bankruptcy of several projects, before being arrested in Montegenero.

The decision to extradite Do Kwon to the United States or South Korea has been returned to the Supreme Court after the Montenegrin Court of Appeal approved an appeal by the Terraform Labs co-founder and his lawyers.

Montenegro's Vijesti news website reported today (Friday) that the country's Court of Appeal accepted the arguments presented by Kwon's lawyers. The action overturned an earlier Supreme Court decision and sent the case back for retrial. The move represents the Kwon team's latest legal strategy to delay his extradition to the United States or South Korea, where he faces multiple criminal charges.

The preliminary ruling issued by the Supreme Court in Podgorica on April 8, 2024, decided that Kwon, a South Korean citizen, could be extradited for trial. However, the Court of Appeal found that this decision lacked decisive facts. Specifically, the Supreme Court failed to provide good reasons for its ruling, merely citing a previous Supreme Court decision without adequate explanation.

The Court of Appeal stressed the need to make a clear decision based on legal and factual issues. When multiple countries request the extradition of the same person, specific criteria guide the decision. These standards are detailed in various international agreements, including the European Extradition Convention and the 1901 Convention between Serbia and the United States. The trial court reportedly did not adequately consider these factors in Kwon's case.

The Supreme Court will now decide the case, ensuring that Kwon's consent to extradition was voluntary, informed and irrevocable. The Supreme Court of Montenegro is now at a crossroads. The upcoming decision will determine whether Do Kwon will face justice in the United States or South Korea.

Competing extradition requests

In March, Montenegro's Supreme State Prosecutor's Office appealed the Supreme Court's decision to extradite Kwon to South Korea. Montenegro's prosecutor asserted that the Supreme Court exceeded its authority by choosing a “short-cut procedure” to extradite Kwon to South Korea, bypassing a more comprehensive legal process.

The Court of Appeal upheld the Supreme Court's decision, but the Supreme Public Prosecutor requested protection of legitimacy from the Supreme Court, stressing that the Minister of Justice alone has the final say in such matters.

The United States also requested Kwon's extradition, charged him with eight charges, and indicated its willingness to try him in absentia. Additionally, the SEC has brought civil charges against Kwon and Terraform Labs.
Kwon disappeared from public view after the disastrous collapse of TerraUSD and Luna Digital currencies

Digital currencies

Using cryptography, virtual currencies, known as cryptocurrencies, are virtually counterfeit-proof digital currencies built on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology consists of decentralized networks, not subject to the supervision of a central authority. Therefore, cryptocurrencies operate by a decentralized nature which makes them theoretically immune to government interference. The term cryptocurrency is derived from the origin of cryptographic techniques used to secure the network.

Using cryptography, virtual currencies, known as cryptocurrencies, are virtually counterfeit-proof digital currencies built on blockchain technology. Blockchain technology consists of decentralized networks, not subject to the supervision of a central authority. Therefore, cryptocurrencies operate by a decentralized nature which makes them theoretically immune to government interference. The term cryptocurrency is derived from the origin of cryptographic techniques used to secure the network.
Read this term In 2022, it wiped out nearly $37 billion from the cryptocurrency market and led to the bankruptcy of several projects, before being arrested in Montegenero.

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