Elon Musk Says George Soros No Longer Calls the Shots

Donald Trump and his supporters have made conspiracy theories about Soros their line of defense against the former president’s legal troubles.

George Soros, 92, has heard it all from conspiracy theorists.

The legendary investor, who was hardly ever present in the media, is accused, falsely and without evidence, of being the mastermind of almost all the crises that rock the planet.

Debt crisis in the eurozone? Conspiracy theorists say: blame Soros. Migration crisis? They argue that Soros is to blame. The rise of progressive values? Blame Soros. When Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election, he blamed Soros for stealing his victory. These attacks on the billionaire are considered anti-Semitic. George Soros is a Jew of Hungarian descent.

For a few weeks now, the financier has once again been in the court of conspiracy theorists. There is no doubt about the verdict: he will be found guilty. The case in question is the case brought against him by the entire American Right. Without evidence, they accuse Soros of being the instigator of the impeachment of Donald Trump, the first former president to be arrested in US history.


Trump was summoned on April 4. Manhattan prosecutors accused him of orchestrating a hush-hush scheme to help pave his way to the presidency and then cover it up while he was in the White House.

He was charged with 34 felony counts and had to appear in a Manhattan courtroom. Trump pleaded not guilty in the case.

For the former president, who is running for president in 2024, is a setup by Soros, who “selected and funded” Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, his executioner.

“After spending $1 million to elect the attorney general who will indict President Trump, George Soros successfully spent another $1 million to buy a judge into Tuesday night’s election,” the Trump campaign wrote in an email sent to supporters on April 6. George Soros is trying to single-handedly buy the American justice system so he can use it as a weapon to crush all his opponents.”

The email is intended to raise money. The campaign says it has already raised more than $13 million since the indictment was announced.

The email urged: “We can’t stop now. George Soros goes to Rampage, buys up the entire American legal system – and you are our nation’s only hope to stand up for real justice in America.”

Soros, a major donor to the Democratic Party, has strongly rejected the accusations.

“George Soros has not met, spoken with, or otherwise communicated with Alvin Bragg,” Michael Vachon, a spokesperson for the company, said April 4 in an email. “Neither George Soros nor the Democracy PAC (the PAC that Mr. Soros helped fund) contributed to Alvin Bragg’s campaign for Manhattan District Attorney.”

The link between Soros and Bragg is indirect: Between 2016 and 2022, the legendary investor personally and the Democracy PAC together contributed nearly $4 million to Color of Change’s PAC, including $1 million in May 2021, according to Vachon.

“None of this money has been allocated to the Prague campaign,” the spokesman stressed.

The Color of Change PAC spent $500,000 on the 2021 Prague election campaign.

“His son is de facto responsible.”

But a new line of attack against Soros has just been launched by Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and owner of Twitter. This new strategy is to claim that Soros, who has five children – sons Alexander, Jonathan, Robert and Gregory and daughter Andrea – is no longer really in charge. He no longer makes decisions. Basically, he doesn’t really know where his money is going because his son has become the new boss instead of his father. This is what Musk claims without giving any evidence.

It all started with a Twitter thread in which Scott Adams, creator of the classic comic strip “Dilbert,” wondered if George Soros knew where his money was going.

“My theory about Soros is that he doesn’t quite know where his money is going or why,” Adams wrote on April 9.

“I was told that his son was de facto responsible,” Musk said.

While Musk isn’t clear about which of the four sons he’s referring to, several clues point to Alexander, 39. Alexander chairs the board of directors of the Open Society Foundations (OSF), his father’s foundation that funds several progressive foundations. Causes and NGOs around the world. OSF, a network of entities with interdependent operations around the world, has set itself the goal of promoting democracy, human rights and freedom of the press. It is one of the wealthiest foundations in the world, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which puts away billions to promote public health and development.

On April 8, the New York Post and Fox News, both belonging to Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, reported that Alexander Soros had “quietly become a de facto ‘ambassador’ to the White House, making no fewer than 14 visits there on behalf of the far-left kingmaker since President Joe Biden took office.”

Musk commented on the stories using sarcasm on April 9.

“And they still didn’t invite me,” the billionaire entered.

Musk voted Republican in the midterm elections. He decided to make Twitter, which he became owner on October 27 after paying $44 billion, a bulwark for conservatives.

“Which shifts the question to his son’s motivation. Why does Soros’ son want to make America unlivable?” Adams asked.

“Beats me,” Musk replied. “Perhaps some amount of ivory-tower pseudoscience is to blame,” thus launching a scathing critique of Alexander Soros.

Vachon told TheStreet that father and son work together.

“Alex Soros is OSF Chairman; George is the Founder. They work together,” the spokesperson said in an emailed statement.

Musk also agreed with a Twitter user who complained that criticism of Soros is often seen as tinged with anti-Semitism.

“The whole situation is bizarre,” the user said. “Honestly, I wouldn’t mind Soros so much if he didn’t have defenders calling all his critics ‘racist’ because they dared to notice his role in the election.”

The tech mogul agreed, saying, “That’s right.”
