Harrison Muiru: ‘The one question I ask myself as a man in my 40s’

There’s a phrase I love about Star Trek The movie is about Captain Kirk and the Kobayashi Maru. It goes like this: It’s a test designed to draw conclusions about someone’s character by giving them a losing scenario and how you, as the captain of a spaceship, would handle a situation where there are no good options. No matter what you do, the simulation will throw the worst possible outcome at you. There’s no cheat code. You can’t win, because the point of the test is to see how you would react to losing.

I imagine life to be the Kobayashi Maru. Your dreams, your ambitions, your relationships—everything, really—you can’t fit into someone else’s mold. You wonder, what if I had chosen the other path? So you go for it—leadership, fatherhood, manhood—there’s no formula.

Harrison Mwiru, Managing Director of Smart Applications International Group, navigated his journey this way, looking for distinction but eventually realizing that we play with one hand tied behind our back. He found joy where it counted: in his friends, his wife, and his three daughters, whose births he witnessed.

“This experience changes you,” he says, and I can sense the sunlight in his words—those same words that cast shadows and that also say, in the end, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, but if you enjoy the journey.

Incidentally, Captain Kirk was credited with “beating” the test, not passing it.

What smart decision did you make that got you where you are today?

I moved from the electronics part of engineering to the computer applications part of it. This was seen as a weaker step, but over time I saw a convergence between electronics and computing. I thank God for the wisdom in making these choices.

Do you consider yourself a computer geek?

It depends on the circumstances. If you mean someone who loves sci-fi movies and occasionally reads about technology, the answer is yes. But I also look at life from a holistic perspective that goes beyond technology and its impact on society.

I don’t want to be simplistic, but there are two camps, maybe three: Star Wars and Star Trek. What genre of science fiction are you into?

I found Star Wars to be far-fetched, it stretched the imagination too much. I’m more of a Star Trek fan that I think has the right kind of mix. And the matrix too.

in matrixNeo is given two choices: the red pill (truth) and the blue pill (illusions). Have you ever been at this crossroads moment?

Several times. At one point in my career, I was seconded to head an operation outside of Kenya, but I looked for a compromise where I chose to do it on an interim basis so that I could do what I was passionate about here in Kenya.

Was the family part of this decision?

I consider this part of my life to be very powerful, and it is dear to me – both from my extended family and from my immediate nuclear family. But I also enjoy learning about the Kenyan context, and what we can do to move our country forward.

What aspect of your family does your heart consider close?

Moments of interaction, around things like weddings, dinners, and outings, as well as the sacrifices when people get sick and we come together to support each other. Family is what holds us together, and without my parents, my wife, and my children, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

What is a moment you shared with your family that has stayed with you?

The birth of my three daughters. I saw them come into this world and it was indescribable and such a transformation. When you’re there, you appreciate life in a new way.

Are you one of those strong men who walks into the delivery room?

How does this change you?

As men, we are very involved in the nurturing part of the family and may be completely obscured from it; But only then can you know how care relates to this new life that begins to emerge, walking out into the world to be its own person. Every birth is a miracle, and it makes you appreciate humanity differently.

After becoming a father, what aspect of your life did you choose to focus more or less on?

I have chosen to be an involved father. Especially after the birth of my first child, I realized that you can only learn by doing, and I encourage men to participate in support groups, whether in church or among close family members. I take them to school, listen to them about their experiences, and offer advice when needed.

How do you raise your daughters differently than the way you were raised?

We spent a lot of time with my mother, and my father worked there to earn money for the family, and he was a minister in the church. I try to be involved in my children’s lives. In the 70s and 90s it was about hard work, now it’s about smart work, leadership, social awareness, and communication.

What family rituals have you created?

On Sundays, we go to church together. We have lunch together and spend the afternoon together. When the weather is good, we devote Saturday afternoons to activities such as swimming or visiting family and friends.

You grew up largely with your mother, and now you’re a father of daughters, which has meant you’ve been surrounded by women since childhood. How does this affect your sense of masculinity?

Interestingly, no one explained it to me that way. We had three boys and two girls in my family, but I believe that as a man, you can appreciate the way our ladies think and become more understanding of them. This has made me a stronger person as we move towards gender inclusivity and equality – and understanding how to deal with the strengths and weaknesses of the male and female genders.

What is your superpower as a father?

Made my kids laugh. Dad jokes!

With all these women surrounding you, what do you do for yourself?

I have groups of men, shamas, and boys, and I make space for them. We meet monthly, both of us parents, and share what we’re going through, our relationships, and seek out joint projects.

What is the one question you ask yourself as a man right now?

Finding balance in different responsibilities – We have a duty towards family, our community and our nation. Sometimes this can lead to feelings of suffocation, so how do we manage those expectations and provide support to each other?

How would you describe your masculinity so far? Was it a burden or a launching pad?

I have gone through different phases, and I have decided to look at life through the lens of continuous learning and improvement. I have no regrets about being born a man, and I continue to strive to become better.

Which hat is easier to wear: dad, husband, CEO, or just a man?

Haha! Difficult question. But father. But these children are very self-aware at an early age, which is difficult and you have to accept that you will be asked questions and be prepared to answer them. As a parent, you don’t want to lose your credibility because children learn trust from their parents.

What is your insecurity?

Fear of the unknown future and not being able to protect or support your family.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

A month or so ago, I was on a little safari in the Moroccan desert on the back of a camel. This was a technical conference I was attending on behalf of the company.

Was this something you always wanted to try?

I challenged myself to do this, haha! It seemed interesting at the moment.

Do you consider yourself a spontaneous person?

No, I’m quite analytical, but I’ve been brought up in the mindset that life is for the living, and so, when I get these moments, I challenge myself and take opportunities when they come.

Smart Applications International Group Managing Director Harrison Mwiru at a previous company event.

Image source: file | Nation Media Group

If life was for the living, what is something you’ve been putting off that you would finally do?

I’m going on a cruise and skydiving. My daughters love the water, I call them water girls. I’m a fire spirit; I avoid the water but I have to overcome that fear and take them there.

What did you finally come up with?

Life is short. It has lessons, and if we take the time to block out the noise, observe people, listen to them, and give them a chance, we find that life is abundant, and in that abundance, life becomes fulfilling. This was what I realized when I reached the fourth floor, and it made me intentional about the way I live my life and interact with the people around me.

What did your 40s give you that your 30s and 20s didn’t?

They say life begins at 40, haha! My 20s were full of excitement, where I was spontaneous and pushed to take risks. In your 30s, you’re adjusting to life, laying the foundations for a family and a career. When you hit 40, you’ll realize that this is your compass, and you’ll realize that you’re making bold, deliberate decisions.

What would Harrison, who was in his twenties, say to you now that he is forty?

Be more spontaneous and adventurous, and do it no matter what. But he’ll also pat the 40-year-old on the back and tell him you did a good job.

What matters to you more than you thought?

Family, especially marriage. I have a very supportive husband. In the early years, you don’t look at it that way, but you realize that having a close and supportive family makes you achieve other things in life.

How do people show you love?

Haha! Is this registered or unregistered? I think that simply acknowledging what someone has done or who they were for you is more important than material reward. Sometimes we either forget or don’t pay attention.

What movies best sum up your life right now?

The Avengers. I’m in a state in my life where I’m involved in a lot of collaborations where I’m either creating, having fun, or maintaining work. I realized that no one can do it alone and that you not only need to have the right networks and relationships but you also need to do your part in these engagements. I also face greater challenges at work and even as a family – like Thanos in the Avengers series. You only get one chance to do this and you better have the right team members and support structures in place to make sure it will be successful.

Who would you like to be in out of curiosity? Avengers?

Are you smart or lucky?

No, I’m lucky. I think it’s a combination of providence, intelligence, and luck.

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