High Court tells ministers to cancel firing of Postal Co chair

The court heard a petition against ministers Shlomo Karhi and David Amsalem by The Israel Postal Company and its chairperson Mishael Vaknin.

The High Court of Justice held a hearing today of the petition by The Israel Postal Company to cancel the dismissal of the company’s chairperson, Mishael Vaknin, by Minister of Communications Shlomo Karhi and Minister of Regional Cooperation David Amsalem, who is responsible for the Government Companies Authority. Today’s hearing was a continuation of a hearing in September last year, when a provisional injunction was issued leaving Vaknin in his job.

Today, justices Yitzhak Amit, David Mintz and Khaled Kabub told Karhi and Amsalem that unless the dismissal was rescinded, they would rule on the matter and cancel the dismissal themselves. At the end of the hearing, the head of the panel, Judge Amit, recommended to Karhi and Amsalem’s counsel that he should agree to accept the petition since, in the view of the judges, it was grounded in law.

The ministers are due to convey their decision to the court within seven days.

Vaknin and The Israel Postal Company claimed that the dismissal was illegal and motivated by political considerations, and that Vaknin’s only sin was that he was appointed by the previous government. The ministers claimed that the decision to dismiss him was made from businesslike considerations because of complaints received about the postal service.

Published by Globes, Israel business news – en.globes.co.il – on January 4, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Mishael Vaknin credit: Tamar Matsafi



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