Israel Aerospace wins €100m Estonian munitions deal

Israel Aerospace wins €100m Estonian munitions deal

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has won a contract to supply Estonia with advanced long-range loitering munitions. This is one of the most expensive arms deals ever signed by the Baltic Republic. Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pefkor said the deal was worth 100 million euros.

Pevkor said, “Long-Range Munitions is an important addition to the development of Estonia’s defense capability. The importance of indirect fire cannot be overestimated, as Russia has caused a lot of destruction in Ukraine through indirect fire. The introduction of this new capability allows us to attack the enemy from a distance.” As a result, indirect fire becomes more layered and flexible, which increases the range of fire, which means defense forces can hit the enemy where it hurts.”

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Eastern European countries, including Estonia, have been developing their military capabilities at the expense of fear of Moscow.

IAI President and CEO Boaz Levy said: “Estonia is a strategic partner of IAI. This award reflects the growing trust and relationship between Estonia and our company. IAI offers a family of loitering ammunition missiles – offering a wide range of solutions from the tactical to the strategic level.”

Published by Globes, Israel business news – – on May 2, 2023.

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