Israel in last place in Nations Brand Index

Israel in last place in Nations Brand Index

Israel is in the last position in the nation index, the brands, which were conducted in July 2024 by investigating 40,000 people in 20 countries. The index occupies 50 countries and represents six aspects of the power of the country: politics and governance, culture, individuals and society, exports, immigration and investment, and tourism.

In the first place, Japan was followed by Germany, Italy, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. At the bottom of the classification was Russia, Ukraine, Kenya and Israel. Israel was less than Israel, Palestine, and it is not an official state.

In Palestine, investigative studies say: “Palestine has sympathy in the Islamic world and China and between young generations.”

The global perception does not recognize the democratic personality of Israel as the origin

The report describes Israel as anomalies and says: “Although there are high objective indicators (the gross domestic product of the individual, the expected life, the levels of education, etc.), Israel is classified alongside countries with significant economic and social standards: Israel is the gross domestic product The individual has 80 % higher nations assembled with an average life expectancy in Israel (83 years).

The study indicates that the generation Z rejects an overwhelming majority Israel, which gives it the lowest possible degrees through all parameters. The report also notes that there is an actual boycott of Israeli products and that Israeli exports are at great danger, with great aversion to the products called “made in Israel”. The report finds that Israel is linked to global instability and according to the feelings of arrangement, Israel is seen as part of “chaos” instead of those that contribute to global stability. Even Israel’s innovative power does not save it in this indicator, and it ranks first in most advanced European countries and even under the United Arab Emirates.

The survey was collected and published by Index AnHolt Nation Brands Index (NBI), which was appointed as a consultant by Brands ISRAEL Inc. It is a special initiative headed by the founder of Israel, which aims to strengthen the brand of Israel all over the world. The brand of Israel has been in a dangerous situation since the outbreak of the war.

“Israel has lost its legitimacy in the international community and was thrown into the backyard of global affairs. It is time to recognize the failure of traditional general diplomacy and adopt innovative models for the nation’s brand brand.”

It was published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on February 4, 2025.

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