Iveco Group 2024 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results

Iveco Group 2024 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results

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Below is an excerpt from the results of “IVECO GROUP 2024 and the fourth quarter . The full press statement can be accessed by visiting the media department at the Iveco Group Corporate:

Or consult pdf accompanying:

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The Board of Directors approves the initial results of the fiscal year 2024, which represents another year of strong performance, and recommends an annual cash distribution of 0.33 euros per shared shares

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The Council is studying the separation of defense work during the year 2025

Through a cross Unified revenue Reach 15,289 million euros Compared to 15,978 million euros in 2023. network Industrial activities revenue He was 14,948 euros million

Compared to 15,640 million euros in 2023, with positive compensation prices in part for less sizes in the truck and power generation. EBIT modification He was
982 euros million (An increase of 11 million euros compared to 2023) with a6.4
% margin (It reaches 30 basis points compared to 2023). EBIT modification of industrial activities He was 851 euros million (849 million euros in 2023), with a more positive price than compensation for lower sizes. EBIT margin modified for industrial activities He was 5.7 %

(It reaches 30 bits per second compared to 2023), with margin improvements in buses, defense and power generation. Net modified income He was 569 million euros (At 181 million euros compared to 2023) After excluding it from 394 million euros, reporting a net income, in the first place a loss of 145 million euros from the transfer of fire control work, 96 million euros in the cost of the engine campaign, and 94 million euros, the benefit tax due Acknowledging the tax assets imposed in the German judicial jurisdiction. Disclated profits amending the share He was2.09 euros

0.74 euros compared to 2023.

Article content Net financial expenditures Reach 211 million euros

(443 million euros in 2023), and an improvement of 232 million euros compared to 2023 due to a more contained cost of the impact of hedging in Argentina, resulting from the implemented hedge strategy, and improving the effect of Argentine inflation accounting. The income tax expenses were 69 million euros, with Amended effective tax rate (ETR) from 26 %

In 2024. The average ETR reflects the various tax rates applied in the judicial states in which the group operates and some other separate elements. Free cash flow of industrial activities He was positive in 402 euros million

(450 million euros in 2023) as a result of improved management of production levels to adapt to a lower demand in this field, and an effective hedge strategy to reduce Argentine exposure to foreign currencies. The available liquidity He was 5,474 million eurosAs of 31 streetDecember 2024, an increase of 726 million euros from 31 street

December 2023, including 1900 million euros of unprecedented facilities. 2024 The financial statements offered indicate only ongoing operations, unless otherwise. Continuous operations exclude firefighting work that, after the signing of a final agreement to transfer their ownership, were classified as suspended operations; The transfer has been completed in 3



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