“Globes” has learned that safety approvals to open the extension of the Rail Light Rail Line Line Line Line line were received last week. However, the final approval was delayed from the Ministry of Transport, while a date was found for the ribbon cutting ceremony attended by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Transport Miri Regev.
Construction work on the ground has been completed some time ago, and the experimental lines that mean that the entire line must be closed earlier this month, and safety approvals have been issued by the German company that grants such licenses. The main plan for transportation in Jerusalem, responsible for building light railways in Jerusalem, had planned to open the extension yesterday (Tuesday), but trains are still parked in the warehouse and travelers cannot use additions to Hadassah Ain Kirim in the south and Nen Yakov in the north.
The work is full and postponed the opening date again and again
The mild Jerusalem of the railway of the public was opened in 2011. The 14 km long line of Pisgat Ze'ev in the north via the Jaffa road via the city center to the Herzl Mountain in the south. In 2009, the Jerusalem Provincial Committee agreed to extend the line from Moshe Dayan Street in Pesags Zeef to Nev Yakov neighborhood with four new stations, and after a few years, the plan to extend the line from Jabal Herzl to Hadhashah Ain Karim was also approved, with eight stations built Additional. The project has been delayed for many years due to a conflict between the state and the previous concession, CityPass, until it was replaced with a privilege that includes the Israeli company, Shapir Engineering and CAF in Spain, which started construction work in 2021.
Since then, the opening dates have been postponed for line accessories several times. July 2023 was the original opening date, then it was agreed on a new date, which was also postponed due to the war. The extension was then open at the end of 2024.
When the experiment started earlier this month, the Ministry of Transport estimated that the line would open to passengers on February 21, last Friday. Indeed, the previous day, safety permits – those in Tel Aviv were delayed in operating the train for several months, and the Jerusalem train was ready to work.
The Ministry of Transport called for a few additional completion and the opening date has been revised until yesterday, but until then, the paths that were finally completed remained empty. The ministry wants to open the extensions at a ceremony attended by Regev and Netanyahu, so passengers should wait for the additions until the tape is cut.
The Ministry of Transport replied, “Contrary to your demand, the international financial observer report from Germany on the operation of light railway extensions has only arrived on Monday night. The report contains approximately 200 pages and the normal process includes an in -depth analysis of the report and its conclusions, including verification of the implementation of conclusions The report in practice.
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“With regard to the opening date, as usual around the world, in a new system, the process is carried out on the days when the demand is low in order to ensure a safe and gradual start of the activity. This was the case in all operating events in Jerusalem, and thus was chosen Friday as the date of operation.
It was published by Globes, Israel Business News – En.globles.co.il – on February 26, 2025.
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