Jules Delahaije’s dad jokes and guilty pleasures

Weekend with the CEO

Jules Delahige’s Father Jokes and Guilty Pleasures

SGA Group CEO Jules Delahaije. photo | Swimming pool

Jules Delahaije is such a dad. In fact, he’s very daddy and can’t help but be the winds of everything daddy — the stereotypical dad joke: “Did you know that every animal in Nairobi National Park is polygamous? Well, of course, except for the one in the car.” He lets it sink in, she bursts into laughter, and you can hear the poor captive audience’s sigh in the audible Weltchmers.

Yes, of course. about it. We are in Nairobi National Park because watching the matches is one of his favorite activities. It’s 6.45am, one of those chilly Nairobi days that if you turn around you can see the sun shivering and begging for a comfy blanket and a hug.

Here, surrounded by animals, he unravels like the frayed end of a rope, telling wild stories of his youth—especially that of his living on planes, free-footed, full of youthful recklessness and restlessness. Now, clever andExudes realism, likes driving games or driving. He can’t wait to take his daughter Mapenzie for a drive. Now it’s all about having a good time and loving what you do.

what’s he doing? He is the Chief Honorary of SGA Security, a provider of security solutions in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, leading approximately 18,000 employees. Against the backdrop of Europe’s ICT, security and cybersecurity domains, it adds silk to the core of SGA.

But here in the 29,000-acre Nairobi National Park, masculinity boiling in our blood, we eat breakfast al fresco at Leopards Cliff, he talks, and I watch all six because no story is worth dying for. “Did you know that the male animal is often more attractive in the woods?” Asked. “Well, of course, the case is reversed when it comes to the human kingdom.” He bursts into fits of laughter. Panthers roll their eyes. It has been.


Without saying you’re fine, how are you?

Well, I’m cool! Look at this (pointing to nature). These are places where you can really enjoy and relax. This is a place where you don’t need to think about work or anything else. We need to take care of nature.

Do you run games often?

Yes, quite a lot. We take simple walks whenever we get the chance with family and friends. The park (Nairobi National) is great, with many animals. If we have a chance during the long weekends we visit more parks in the country. Masai Mara gets crowded, so we visit Ol Pejeta, Tsavo, Amboseli and the works.

How did you get into this habit?

We have to go back in time, haha! We have been living in Kenya for seven and a half years. Before that, I had been to Kenya as a tourist, so when I got the chance to come and live here, it was a no brainer. The moment I am in the garden, there is no pressure. Sometimes I go with my wife and four and a half year old child child (child), we even enrolled him in some kind of external school. Whenever we can, we go to the park or the art gallery.

What has changed since you became an outdoorsman?

I have found a better work-life balance. We are only here (Earth) for a short time and we need to enjoy ourselves. Being in nature is a good way to understand life – I don’t think about another moment in the office. It’s amazing how nature works and organizes itself. Sometimes humans make life very complicated.

What did you learn from nature?

Nature restores itself. There is survival of the fittest and evolution of how the environment changes. Plants and animals will do anything to survive. If you come here during the dry seasons, it’s scorching. A few drops of rain changes. It’s how nature prepares for the next step. It’s fascinating, almost philosophical.

What was your worst experience in nature?

I was with my family in Amboseli when the weather suddenly changed. We got to the eye of a heavy thunderstorm, and it started to flood. It was exciting, at least for me, but my family and friends weren’t amused. The road was very muddy and slippery, and they were very afraid, but I was happy to go home, haha!

Do you have a special memory in nature?

Spending time with my wife and two children during the sunset. This is great. There’s nothing quite like a good drink and friends watching the sunset. My wife is a beautiful photographer and artist. It works when we’re on a game trip, and I’m laid back. When I drive in nature, I love it. This is life. freedom. You feel free when you are outside in nature. Just look around.

How did parenting take away some of that freedom?

I am actually the father of two other older children. Being a father makes me appreciate responsibility. As a parent, you have two main tasks: making sure your children are happy and giving them the skills to take care of themselves. The meaning of life is survival, and this is what parents convey. It’s fun, and I love it so much. My kids have a great sense of humor; A day without laughter is wasted haha! We instilled this culture in (her daughter).

How is parenthood different from parenting now?

I am now more aware but also more relaxed about things. There is a much better balance between private life and work life, and I don’t feel like I need to work. At the time, it was stressful, and I didn’t realize it. With all the meetings and travel, I forget to enjoy my family and kids. I was saying that it doesn’t matter how the balance is achieved, whether it’s 50-50 or 60-40 or 80-20, as long as it’s there. I didn’t have time to relax.

Previously, I was always involved in international business in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. Our business is now centered in East Africa, and the experience has been a lot more relaxed, despite us being a 24/7 business. Always ask yourself, “Is it really urgent? Is it really needed? Does it need to be done today?” Be efficient, and you will have time to relax and enjoy life.

Is that why we’re here on Wednesday?

That’s why we’re here on Wednesday, haha! You actually helped me. I’m not usually here on Wednesday. I’d like to, but I’d take it if given the chance. I think I can do that more often.

What is your guilty pleasure?

There are two of them, haha! I love food, and sometimes it’s not always healthy. But I think if you can control yourself, that’s okay. Good food is my trick. Let’s leave it at that for now, haha!

When you think of the weekend, what food comes to mind?

diversity. My wife is a good cook, but I love to cook myself. During the weekend I cook, and my wife takes charge during the week. We bake French fries for my daughter over the weekend. Kenyan restaurants should do more to bake French fries. But I love the meat there. What I miss in Kenya is good seafood. Diversity is limited. Oysters and lobsters. I come from Holland, so we have this tradition of raw fish. miss.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

Oh, wow. To be valued as an employer. The best compliment from employees is that they appreciate what we do for them. And the other is when my little one says, “I love you, Daddy,” haha!

What is one thing you wish you could be better at?

I wish to play musical instruments. My wife is a beautiful artist, and I love her as much as I love nature. Although generally a patient person, I am a passive lover of music, not patient enough to learn it. This just shows you how much work and talent is required, heh.

What never fails to make you laugh?

Oftentimes, children. I love Kenya because we are close to the sun here in general but also philosophically. People here have a good mood and sense of humour.

If you play with the language and play with it, you’ll make me laugh, too. I had a dog handler mix up the letters “R” and “L,” and when we asked how the dogs were doing, he said, “They like to pray.” It was a Sunday, so we were like, “Okay?” Then we realized he meant they like to play, haha! Again, during election time, it was funny when they were talking about national elections and the person mixed up the letters ‘r’ and ‘l’, haha!

What do you have that money can’t buy?

family. and health. And happiness too. Money doesn’t make you happy but not having any money doesn’t make you happy either.

Who supports you?

I have a good guardian angel. I survived difficult circumstances because my guardian angel cared for me. I think there is something bigger taking care of us. I once got into a car accident that almost resulted in my death. It was a miracle I survived. You may call her God, I call her Guardian Angel.

What’s the dumbest thing you’ve bought?

My wife has been reminding me recently that we love bikes, and we have a bike rack for the car, which just doesn’t fit. Sometimes you think that with small tweaks you can make it work, but these tweaks take a lot of time and effort and hence they are not so small.

What’s on your desk?

Small reading light and cord to lock the iPhone and a stand from Tattoo City to hold the phone and mosquito swatter. It’s electric, so when mosquitoes die, I hear ta! Ta! haha! Nice moments for me, definitely not for mosquitoes.

What is one question people haven’t asked you that you wish they would?

Let’s put it this way. I would like people to be more direct. They don’t like to talk. If I don’t know your problem, I can’t help you. There are no elephants in this garden, but more often than not there are elephants in the room. Speaking out loud saves time. There are two types of time: good time and time off. Here in nature, we have a good time; In the office, it’s a down time, and speaking up and dealing directly provides that.

Has this direct ever got you into trouble?

sometimes. Voicing an opinion during international trips wasn’t always appreciated. I’m not a politician, it’s not my forte, and based on my cultural upbringing, asking a direct question didn’t really make people appreciate it, haha. that happens.

What is your life path now?

Oh! hard that one. I forget the name but one day at the fair with my wife there was a Kenyan trio that combined dance, music and live song. They were so pretty but I don’t know their names, haha!

If you could trade with someone for a day, who would it be?

There are quite a few. Sometimes I say I’d like to be a fly on the wall in some political debate. Hmm. I have to be careful who I choose. Maybe I’m president of Russia so I can stop what’s going on. I’ve worked a lot in this field, so it’s close to my heart.

are you happy?

I’m very happy. Here in Kenya, you say it beautifully: “I’m lucky!” I really. A wonderful family. Three kids and the privilege of being able to do most things I want, and contribute in my own little way.

Who do you know that I should know?

My wife, who is a visual artist. She’s great about it, and apart from that she’s a lovable person, but that’s my space haha! It gives young talents a platform to develop themselves. Along with nature, art is one of the best forms of expression of feelings. Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. But the difficulty is growing to remain an artist. He also said, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but my age to paint like a child.” We forgot to be children. From time to time, I feel like a child, but how do I say this? I’m not a kid about it haha!

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