Major US stock indices turn negative

Major US indices are now negative with the Dow Jones Industrial Average now in the red. The Dow 30 has fallen every trading day this week. It lost -1.15%. For the month of May, the index fell 9 10 days (including today). The index decreased -2.41%.

The market snapshot currently shows:

  • Dow Industrial Average -32.94 points, or -0.10%, at 33,276.58
  • S&P -7.78 points, or -0.19%, at 4,122.85
  • The Nasdaq index rose -38.88 points, to -0.32%, to 12,289.63 points.

The US dollar rose after inflation data from the Michigan survey picked up. Faced with this data, sentiment was low as the preliminary index fell to 57.7 from 63.5 last month.

The 2-year yield increased by 6 basis points at 3.966% but is still below the 4% level. The 10-year yield rose 3.4 basis points, at 3,430%. For the week, the 2-year yield was up 4.6 basis points, but the 10-year yield was down -1.2 basis points.

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