Martin Mumo: Technical mountain climber’s life lessons

Martin Mumo: Technical mountain climber’s life lessons

“If you don’t fall, you don’t learn,” is a good motivational saying, but not when you’re strapped to a rope 4,900 metres above sea level and very close to the highest peak of Mount Kenya.

First, getting there is the ultimate mountaineering experience. It is a celebration that many long for. But this kind of achievement comes despite great risks.

In March this year, Martin Momoh, a tax consultant at Centum Investments, had a near-fatal accident near Mount Kenya’s Batian Peak.

“I stepped on an unstable rock and within a second there was an avalanche under my feet,” says Martin.

Before he knew it, he was dangling dangerously in the air, sending a strange sensation to his person. If he hadn’t been properly equipped, we wouldn’t have had this advantage today.

Fortunately, he escaped unharmed and stands proudly atop Batian – a testament to his resilience and determination. In November of this year, he will attempt the climb again with skill.

Technical climbing is a type of climbing that takes place on complex and varied terrain such as rocks, glaciers, and ice, and involves the use of specialized equipment such as ropes, harnesses, and cords.

This type of climbing relies heavily on using the hands to grip and pull oneself up the rope or rock. Full-handed gloves are not recommended for this as they can give a false perception of grip. Grip is the most important currency one can have in technical climbing.

Two years after Martin fell in love with hiking, he became disinterested in it, although he admitted that hiking was the foundation for technical climbing.

“I moved into technical climbing in 2021. That year, I set a goal to climb Batian and Nelion as a challenge for myself. I love stepping out of my comfort zone. After doing long distance and regular climbing many times, I decided to take on the circuit and have never looked back.”

The transformation came at a cost.

“I started balancing my fitness with my new passion. I went to Hell’s Gate four times just to be able to deal with the rocky terrain there.”

Martin Momoh, a tax consultant and fitness enthusiast, rock climbs in Hell’s Gate National Park in November 2023.

Image source: Swimming pool

building endurance

Martin says this training is important for building stamina and perseverance. In addition, he goes to the gym at least four times a week to keep his form in top shape and keep his weight under control.

“It’s easier to lift a light object up a mountain, any extra weight can slow me down,” he says.

His training takes two months with a round trip of between nine and twelve hours.

“If you think about it, training for two months for just one day is not easy for everyone. Standing outside and looking in is an investment of time that doesn’t yield much benefit.”

However, Martin was quick to justify this by saying that returns in matters of passion are not measured as they are in other aspects of life. The palm is oddly tilted.

Martin Momoh, tax advisor at Centum Investments, is pictured during an interview at his office in Two Rivers on Aug. 19, 2024.

Image source: Lucy Wanjiru | Nation Media Group

Most of all, stay focused.

The mountains are a meticulous teacher and he is a diligent learner, and his travels have left him with many lessons.

“Focus is the greatest thing I learned from the mountain. When you start at the base, the task is always difficult. From the unexpected acts of nature to physical ailments, you never know what you will encounter on your way to the top. Your focus is what gets you to the top. Understanding that technical climbing is a conscious choice helps you focus. It’s something I learned only from the mountains. They remind you that without focus you can’t go anywhere,” he points out.

Overcoming the fear of heights

As ironic as this may sound, he is afraid of heights. But herein lies the second lesson.

“If you let fear control you, you will never achieve anything in life,” he says.

“A lot of people ask me if I have a fear of heights. The answer is definitely yes, but what does an avid climber do when faced with a fear of heights? Learn to overcome the fear. After my near-miss earlier this year, you might expect me to call it quits or take it as a sign from the universe not to attempt climbing again.

On the contrary, it was a motivation and a key learning point. “During training, we do a lot of reconnaissance falls, learning what a fall looks like and how to pull ourselves out of a difficult situation,” says Martin. “It’s true that there are times when it may be impossible for a climber to save himself. But that shouldn’t control your life. You can’t achieve anything when fear prevails.”

adequate preparation

Another lesson he learned during his 16 climbs of Mount Kenya is to be prepared.

“You win everything first by being properly prepared. For me, it is a multi-pronged approach; mentally, physically and diet. All these aspects have to be aligned with my mission to reach the top. This preparation also helps you stay focused. You anticipate the challenges but train your eyes on the top. Financial preparation is also key. These expeditions are paid for and hence, you have to plan properly for the expenses that may arise.”

learn new things

Finally, but most importantly, he learned to try new things.

“Trying new things is fun and adventurous. Go beyond what you’re used to. Things aren’t as hard as they seem sometimes. You’ll be surprised how little it takes to do certain things.”

Some may ask: What did he gain from all this?

“I have found a good outlet in technical climbing when I need to clear my head. At work, I focus better, achieve my goals more easily, and I have learned to deal with work pressure better than before. I balance my social time better because I know that there will be times when I will not be available to those in my circles,” he concludes.
