Meta (Facebook) simultaneously puts 5 % of its employees in all company centers around the world, including in Israel. About 40 employees in Israel were called to a hearing before their rejection representing a little less than 5 % of the Meta 900 employees in Israel.
Several weeks ago, CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg said that he is planning to conduct the “strengthening” of the workforce by laying off 5 % of the company’s low -performance employees, a practice that was previously implemented in companies such as Microsoft and Intel.
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The Zuckerberg statement has been criticized online, as this affected by this step will be stigmatized as a low performance. Gabi Hernandez, a former Mita employee, criticized the step on LinkedIn, saying that “a wave of employees will be classified in public places as low artists, but employers – do not fall on it. It will be your best employee at a later time.
Other staff criticized this step unknown. An employee talks, speaking to “Business Insider”, “Zuckerberg creates a culture of fear, one must be loyal to him”; Another employee said that “working in Meta is similar to working in George Orwell’s book.”
The demobilization of 5 % of the lowest performance of artists in the institution is a known practice that is sometimes implemented by the large companies that collected an excessive number of employees, but a few executives publicly declare this. In Intel, there is a tradition to measure performance and send a warning to employees who were found to be low artists, after which they are given an opportunity to improve their performance. In Microsoft Israel, a policy of up to 5 % was presented every year by the former CEO of Microsoft Israel, Aryeh Skop, which he talked about a lot. However, such a statement is usually criticized by employees, so many managers do not tend to publicly talk about their intention to reduce the number of employees automatically.
It was published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on February 10, 2025.
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