More signs that there won’t be enough electricity

Today Latitude Media spoke with Peter Freed, former director of energy strategy at Meta (he left in April) and he talked about the massive amount of power that will be required for data centers. This is in addition to green transition energy and chronic underinvestment in the grid.

“Most of the data center announcements made this year have probably been in development for 12 to 18 months, meaning most of them predate the craziest AI signals within companies,” Freed said.

He said the real crisis will come in 2027 or 2028 with the completion of the data centers. And it may get worse from there.

Farid believes the demand for electricity generation can be met, but he believes grid technology and investments are also crucial.

“The solution is not necessarily to build more generations. Sometimes it is, but often it is a matter of reconnecting a line with a higher capacity wire, or putting a battery in it. This is where grid boosting technology shines a lot.”

I think there will be some major greenwashing here with companies like MSFT picking up low carbon energy but that will drive residential consumers to coal and natural gas fueled energy. The latter in particular could grow much more than expected.

He sees:
