Nduati Maina’s marriage character development

You will probably get older. It is redundant, like the sun rising in the east, a truth as old as the hills. Many people don't like to be called old unless it is associated with a suffix: old friend, old hand, old money. Nduati Maina's alter ego is old. Today, Nadati is 39 years old and is the founder of Senior Talent where he connects seasoned senior professionals with business founders to solve their business challenges. Think Cupid, but for retired — or retired — executives.

It feels endearing and profound, and wise men throw it away wise. Tell him he looks older than he looks. He told me he was younger than he looked. We talk a lot about older people offline, and how our identity as men is tied to work, and how women take that time to get going. His career (my seminars) is starting to take off as well, and I can see the success emerging in the belly.

“Men need to be more physically active,” he says, and I wonder if he is advising me or himself. Potato, potato. Which, coincidentally, is his favorite meal, an old flame, and a deal-breaker of such magnitude that it had to be included in his wedding as a “groom’s special.” It doesn't mean he loves his wife less, but he loves potatoes more.

How does working with “older people” affect your personal life?

As long as you are consistent, everything will make sense. My dad says it all makes sense when you look back and connect the dots. This ability to be consistent and focused is always adding up.

What is the secret of eternal youth?

Being active, I use that loosely. If you say exercise, one will think of the gym. But being physically active will keep you younger. My father is 80 years old and very agile, he can't climb trees. He has managed to avoid illnesses, and I can see that vitality when he plays with his grandchildren. Good diet is key.

What is a good diet?

Without going into details, everything in moderation. I don't limit myself from the good things in life. I'll have a burger and pizza from time to time. But I stick to healthy, clean eating 70 percent of the time.

What is your guilty pleasure?

How shocking…

Yes! I know haha! In all its forms except boiled. When my wife and I were planning our wedding — please be gentle when you write this, haha ​​— potatoes were among the must-haves.

You grew up around potatoes?

No, I just love them (chuckles).

How did you meet your wife?

In a nightclub in the city. I just broke up with my ex a few months ago. She was dancing with her friends, and I'm telling you, I've never seen such a beautiful creature before. I approached her and told her, “I have never seen someone like you in my life, and can I dance?” She said no (laughs). I approached her three more times, but to no avail, but I still gave her my card on which I wrote my number.

The next day her friend called – she thought it was her! In short, her friend told me that she (my wife) loved me but my wife was having an affair at the time. In other words, I overthrew the existing government, haha! You changed me.

Have you escaped the healing process?

I've always been the type of person who fully commits to a relationship, so if it ends, I'll look back and know I did my best with no regrets. Moreover, she was too beautiful to wait and solve my problems first.

What do you see when you look at it?

Hmm. I see that our future is secure. She will keep me accountable, believe I'm meant for more, and always push me to move forward.

What are you struggling with as a husband?

She sees more in me than I see in myself. I'm an introvert and she keeps that fire inside me burning, that I'm capable of achieving more, she's my support system.

How do you manage your marriage differently than you saw your parents manage theirs?

These are difficult questions. (Long pause). Hmm. I have seen them working together to build themselves but our desire is to grow and explore different things together. My mother traveled a lot compared to my father. But when my wife and I travel together, we experience new moments together that enrich our marriage. The father I am today is 100% my father. It is intentional and very present.

What is the place you went to that stayed with you?

We traveled to Tafaria Castle and it was full of drama. Along the way, we were cruising and saw no signs of a bump, so we crashed and flew. That trip inspired one of our children's names: Taji.

Is your wife your launching pad?

I believe we came together to empower each other to be the best versions of ourselves. My father took charge and supported my mother throughout her journeys – and this taught me that in any relationship, we are here to be intentional with each other and not be selfish. Determine the best working formula for your relationships. I recently read: “The voice of your marriage should be louder than the vice of society.” This is your relationship.

What did marriage give you and what did it take from you?

Marriage is a great personality developer. You will have to step out of your comfort zone and consider someone else's needs before your own. Now I'm more focused on meeting my clients' needs. Marriage took away my selfishness.

This is a PC answer but oh well. What did your recent heartbreak teach you?

Don't force issues. If she wants to go, let her go.

And you have children?

I have twin daughters who are seven years old.

As the only man in the house, what do you do just for yourself?

I have good friends, Eddie and Dan, who are my support systems. We'll have a drink and just talk. But I'm also very into exercise, it energizes me. I worked out six days a week, weight training Monday through Friday, and rode a stationary bike on Saturdays.

How do people show you love?

I like to give rather than receive and I hardly celebrate my birthdays. As a man, my life is for my family so I would rather do it for them than for myself.

What are your family's weekend rituals?

Hmm. Sunday lunch somewhere. But we have to hug every morning. Even if we're angry with each other.

What is one thing that you have carried from your childhood into adulthood?

What do you miss about your childhood?

Sleep (chuckle). I remember school closing for school holidays and my father would always wake up early, even if he wasn't going to work. He would tell meInsufficient sleep(Sleep will never be enough.) Now I go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 3am.

What is your favorite childhood activity to do?

I'm big into animation. I love animation. especially ranges. And Despicable me.

Are you a better husband or father?

Depends on who you ask (laughs). I'm making progress as a husband and I still have to get rid of a little selfishness. My altruism towards my children comes naturally.

You seem to be getting along well together; Can one have it all?

(Long pause) Tough question. It depends on “whatever you have” but I think everyone has things they value, and if you can identify what they are and focus on them, you can have them. My friend Eddie believes that you will struggle for the things you want.

What is the simplest pleasure in life?

Hmm. A long, uneventful journey.

What is the soundtrack of your life?

Courage over fear By Eminem. The magic you're looking for is in the work you're avoiding. It reminds me of this other quote: “Procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God owes you a second chance to do what you had the opportunity to do today.” Your moment is today.

What have you come to terms with?

Hmm. Everything may not make sense now, but over time it will.

What do you thank yourself for?

Being consistent and with my growth mindset.

Chief Talent Officer Ndwati Maina during an interview on April 16, 2024.

Image credit: Francis Nderito Nation Media Group

What do you apologize to yourself for?

You know what I know now? nothing.

What hack makes your weekends better?

Haha! Accept a road trip. I allow myself to indulge on Saturdays because I dedicate myself to a strict routine from Monday to Friday. Instead of feeling guilty, it gives me incentive to stick to the routine.

Not to mention potatoes, what food comes to mind when you think of the weekend?

I make medium shawarma. This is a guilty pleasure for me and my wife. And now it's become a habit and expectation, haha!

Who do you know that I should know?

Dan, who owns Lesus Executive and recently launched an executive commuter app, and Eddie Thiong'o, a corporate strategist – have a brilliant mind. These are my two challenges.

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