Over half of UK gig economy workers earn below minimum wage

Over half of UK gig economy workers earn below minimum wage

New research has found that more than half of workers in the UK’s gig economy are paid less than minimum wage, with a quarter reporting that the nature of their work puts their safety at risk.

In a study by the University of Bristol, gig economy workers whose jobs included food delivery, private driving and data entry were asked to report on their earnings and working conditions: 52% of respondents reported earning less than the minimum wage. The average respondent earned £8.97 per hour – 53p below the minimum wage, which was £9.50 at the time of the research.

Of the 510 people questioned, more than 75% also reported experiencing work-related insecurity and anxiety.

Alex Wood, lead author of the study, said: “The findings highlight that working in the UK gig economy often involves low pay, anxiety and stress. And with food, fuel and housing costs still rising, this group of workers is particularly vulnerable and in need of Get more favorable wages and better protection.”

More than a quarter of respondents felt they were risking their health or safety by engaging in economic work, and a quarter reported experiencing pain as a result. In addition, 40% felt that there was a chance that they would lose their ability to earn a living on their main digital platform and become unemployed in the next 12 months.

“The self-employed who rely on platforms to make a living desperately need worker protections to protect them from the massive power asymmetry that exists in the sector,” Wood said. This obviously calls for expanding the current ‘worker’ status to protect them.”

The freelancing economy is distinguished from traditional forms of freelancing by its reliance on digital platforms, which are commonly used by drivers and delivery personnel. Long periods of time spent by workers logging onto such platforms, waiting for or searching for work, has been found to be a major contributing factor to lower wage rates.

“Not only is the work low paying, but it’s also very unsafe and risky,” Wood said.

When asked what would improve their situation, respondents mostly wanted minimum wage rates, vacation and sick pay, as well as protection from unfair dismissal.

Nader Awad, an Uber driver and head of the Independent Workers Union branch, said members often echo these requests. “I meet drivers who look like zombies. They tell me, ‘I do 15, 18 hours a day for a living,'” he said.

“From a health and safety perspective, it is a risky business. But people need to earn money to survive.”

The report found that support for trade unions was greater than previously found for non-union workers in the UK in general, with the majority of respondents willing to join or organize a union.

Awad said his union has seen an increase in membership among privately hired drivers, but he said they have been reluctant to take action due to loss of profits linked to strikes or protests. “They feel like second-class citizens and no one cares about them,” he said.

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