Plant The Seeds: Making Your Bitcoin Meetup More Family Friendly

This is an op-ed by Tali Lindberg, a mom, co-founder of Free Market Kids, and host of the “Orange Hatter: Bitcoin Podcast For Busy Women.”

Bitcoin meetups usually come in two types: “BitDevs” and “plebs”. Previously, programmers would gather to discuss technical developments in the Bitcoin ecosystem, and the discussions were filled with idiomatic and complex concepts. In the latter, Bitcoin enthusiasts gather to discuss current events in the Bitcoin space and offer beginner-friendly workshops. On our travels, my husband, Scott, and I have attended many of both types of meetings.

However, we recently found ourselves in an encounter that turned the typical rulebook on its head. Let me take you for a ride through that evening and maybe inspire your own bitcoin pools to do something similar.

“This will be different!”

When Scott and I stopped by to a meeting place in Winchester, Virginia, we were greeted at the door by two giggling little girls. They waved at us and then rushed back inside. Scott and I smiled and I thought, “This is going to be different!”

A few moments later, we were again greeted with something unusual. There was a cacophony of drum beats and shrill notes banging on a small grand piano at the front of the room, across from the doorway. The same two girls who waved to us at the door excitedly announced, “We’re going to have a concert!”

The two laughed and swayed in their seats, their heads bobbing from side to side in time to their own music.

event organizer, Gary Krause affiliate Shenandoah Bitcoin ClubHe walked towards us, extending his hand, welcoming us to meet that night.

He explained that many families have RSVPs on family game night, and despite the rain, he was hopeful we’d have a good turnout. While we were talking and waiting for the guests to arrive, one of the 5-year-old girls grabbed both of my hands and pulled me to the front of the room where she was dancing and twirling on tiptoe with her hand raised above her head, forming a bow.

“Come on, follow me! You can do it!” Her little voice cheered me up. The other little girl banged on the piano as an impromptu accompaniment.

The first family to arrive came with an infant and a 3 year old. The baby was immediately carried away from Mama’s arms by a family friend who sobbed and patted the baby as the adults greeted each other. The little girls who had stopped performing so far were approached by the baby’s older brother, and the three of them shared an instant understanding of a secret game and drove away.

Other families came one after another. More children. More noise. More laughter. And we haven’t even started playing games yet!

“I wish these were real bitcoins!”

When the pizza was delivered and we were all seated, I looked around and realized there were more kids than adults at this bitcoin meetup. Their ages ranged from the full spectrum of childhood: from age 1 to age 17.

We set up two game tables. I wasn’t sure how it would work, as some of the kids were very young. The kids at my table ranged from 5 to 9 years old. I explained how to play “HODL UP” in the best possible way for such a young audience. Fortunately, there were two parents standing by, ready to help explain the game to their children. The younger one did not last long. They soon got tired of listening to the rules and asked to be excused. My table stayed with two adults and three children, ages 7-9. At Scott’s table, children were 13 and older.

Source: author

The game started, and the children quickly grasped the concepts. After a few hands, they knew that getting their bitcoins into cold storage was the only way to protect their profits. They played nice nicely and reacted with copious exclamations and disappointments when they won or lost their Bitcoin.

The boy sitting next to me said over and over, “I wish these were real bitcoins!” Pointing to the stacked tokens on his wallet card. Isn’t that what every Bitcoiner hopes to hear from their kids: that they HODL want some real bitcoins?!

Source: author

At the other table, where the older children were playing with several adults, the wins and losses elicited even higher reactions! Their game lasted longer, as each player was determined to win and took their time to evaluate strategies.

When both games were over, all the children dispersed. The older children pulled out their phones, the younger children left the table to walk around the room and the child was passed to another family friend who was lying on the floor, holding the child above his head in Superman pose.

The adults, who had learned the game mechanics and strategies from the first game, plunged into a new game, determined to HODL even more bitcoins on their second attempt.

Taking in the scenery around me, I felt as though I had stepped into an intimate Hallmark movie. What really made this evening exceptional was the inclusiveness. Families stayed together, as they were in disarray. The children were not asked to sit quietly or sent to another room. Bitcoin, in all its complexities, has been demystified through a simple game in the most natural and family friendly setting. There were no stern lectures about how bad our monetary system is, how the government prints money, or how volatile the bitcoin-to-dollar exchange rate is.

One simple but crucial takeaway for everyone that night was to secure their bitcoins in cold storage. There are no lectures, just a fun filled evening where even the youngest players will learn the most important lessons.

Bitcoin for everyone

Back from Virginia, Scott and I hosted a family fun event in the park with our Bitcoin get-together, The Kentucky Bitcoin Club. Rather than having our meeting in a bar, restaurant or office, we chose to hold it in a local park where there is a playground and volleyball court. While the setup made it a little difficult to hear a great Zoom presentation about the Bolt 12, it was great for families of Bitcoiners to get together. The children rushed back and forth from the playground to the table where the adults were sitting, and that was fine. Children learn through osmosis. Our mission is always to just sow the seeds. Who knows how the seeds will be watered and how long it will take to germinate? We just know that our job is to sow seeds, especially with children.

Source: author

So, what’s the takeaway here? How can your bitcoin meetup involve your families? Instead of a get-together that takes mom/dad away for a few hours every week or month, what if the whole family is involved? What if the couple met each other and the kids played together?

I’m not suggesting that all Bitcoin meetings involve the whole family. There is certainly a place for technical discussions and discussions of current events, but perhaps once in a quarter or twice a year families can get together. After all, Bitcoin is for everyone. We must sow the seeds widely, starting in our homes and with our families.

This is a guest post by Tali Lindberg. The opinions expressed are entirely their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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