Prisoners could get ‘AI cellmate’ to help them learn

Prisoners could get ‘AI cellmate’ to help them learn

Prisoners in the UK may benefit from a designed artificial intelligence system to convert how to reach education and interact with them.

EDTECH CORACLE has received funding from Innovate UK to work alongside the University of Hirtfsheire in the development of a system called “AI Cell Fellow”. This statute will allocate learning content to individual needs of guests, and realize real time to guide them on their educational trips.

CAOCLE, led by CEO James Tweed, is already loaded with Chromebooks not connected to the educational resources of prisoners in 91 prisons, providing safe access to training courses from the Open University, the confidence of prisoners’ education and various professional programs. Tweed notes that although prisoners often have complex educational backgrounds – struggle or excluded at school – they represent a vital opportunity to improve the broader access to designed learning.

According to Tweed, the intelligence cell colleague will allocate his approach by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, weakness and learning style. This will adapt the content dynamically, monitor the user’s participation and performance even without an internet connection. The goal is for artificial intelligence to act like his digital teacher, responding, filling education gaps and perhaps reducing re -repetition rates.

The system is developed through the knowledge transfer partnership with the University of Herfordshire, where a doctoral student will focus on integrating the required artificial intelligence techniques. While the initial launch will take place in prisons, Tuid believes that the platform can have wider applications as soon as it is proven effective in the difficult environment of the criminal justice system.

By highlighting the potential benefits of advanced and personal education technology, TWEED emphasizes the need for “artificial intelligence forever”, especially for weak or disadvantaged societies. It hopes that the introduction of the artificial intelligence system into prisons will reduce the technological gap between imprisoned individuals and the broader world, which ultimately provides them with a better opportunity to successfully reintegrate into society.

Jimmy Young

Jimmy is a major business correspondent, as he brings more than a decade of experience in the commercial reports of small and medium -sized companies in the United Kingdom. Jimmy holds a certificate in business administration and regularly participates in industrial conferences and workshops. When not reporting the latest business developments, Jimmy is excited to direct journalists and new businessmen to inspire the next generation of business leaders.
