Rafael unit mulls setting up Ukraine anti-tank missile plant – report

Rafael CEO Yoav Turgeman credit: Rafael Spokesperson

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Dynamite Nobel Defense (DND) is mulling setting up a factory in Ukraine to manufacture the German Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank missile, the German Hartpunkt website reports.

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems subsidiary Dynamite Nobel Defense (DND) is mulling setting up a factory in Ukraine to manufacture the German Panzerfaust 3 anti-tank missile, the German Hartpunkt website reports. Ukroboronprom Ukrainian Defense Industry will be a partner in the venture after signing a collaboration agreement last week in Kiev.

A DND spokesperson told the website that the company is currently examining the feasibility of Panzerfaust production in Ukraine. It is possible that the partnership with Ukroboronprom would include in the first stage the assembly of the missile components, and only in the second stage, production of the components themselves.

DND’s interest in the deal, beyond the geopolitical considerations of the German government is to reduce manufacturing pressure at the parent factory in Germany.

During the two years of the Russia-Ukraine war, the Panzerfaust 3 has become a popular weapon in Ukraine. The German anti-tank missile weighs 15 kilograms and can combat a Russian tank from a distance of 400 meters, even if it carries reactive protection. It is effective against armor a thousand millimeters thick.

Published by Globes, Israel business news – en.globes.co.il – on February 22, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Rafael CEO Yoav Turgeman credit: Rafael Spokesperson





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