State deal with key Netanyahu trial witness canceled

State deal with key Netanyahu trial witness canceled

The decision to cancel the state witness agreement stems from contradictions between the evidence he gave in trial and the evidence he gave when questioned by police.

Tel Aviv District State Attorney for taxation and economics Adv. Yonatan Tadmor, following opinions from the Attorney General and State Attorney, has informed Shlomo Filber of his intention to cancel the state witness deal with him, due to violations of the deal by Filber in the evidence he has given in the trial of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Former Ministry of Communications director general Filber signed the state witness agreement in February 2018. He was suspected of promoting the interests of Bezeq in the Ministry of Communications and of committing fraud and breach of trust offenses.

Filber completed giving evidence in the 4000 case in Netanyahu’s trial in June 2022. The decision to cancel the state witness agreement stems from contradictions between the evidence he gave in trial and the evidence he gave when questioned by police.

Filber will receive hearing in which he can appeal against the cancelation. If the agreement is canceled then there will be a further hearing to decide whether he should stand trial.

Filber tweeted, “I am ready.”

Published by Globes, Israel business news – – on April 8, 2024.

© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd., 2024.

Shlomo Filber credit: Yossi Zamir

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