Steelworkers Humanity Fund Donates $35,000 to Quebec Forest Fire Response

Steelworkers Humanity Fund Donates $35,000 to Quebec Forest Fire Response

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MONTREAL AND TORONTO – The Steelworkers Humanity Fund is donating $35,000 to the Canadian Red Cross to support communities affected by wildfires in Quebec.

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Many steelworkers and their families have been affected by the fires, including in L’Abel-sur-Quivion in northern Quebec, in Abitibi, in Chibogamau and Chapés, and in the North Coast region. This scope of damage prompted the Steelworkers Humanity Fund to donate $35,000, through the Red Cross, to help the affected communities.

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“It is important to support the communities and people affected by these disasters,” said Dominique Lemieux, director of the Metalus/United Steelworkers (USW) Quebec union.

Many of our members have been affected by the fires, as have their communities and workplaces. Some of our members have even contributed to efforts to protect their workplaces and communities from fires. Our union is also answering the call, through the Steelworkers Humanity Fund,” Lemieux said.

The donation to the Humanitarian Fund will go to the Red Cross Disaster Relief, Community Recovery and Resilience Fund in response to the fires, as well as community preparedness and risk reduction measures related to potential future disasters in Quebec.

“The Steelworkers Humanity Fund is always ready and ready to support affected communities as rapidly changing weather patterns strike increasingly close to home,” said Marty Warren, USW National Director and President of the Steelworkers Humanity Fund.

Founded in 1985, the Steelworkers Humanity Fund is a registered charitable organization that primarily focuses on development projects and emergency aid in developing countries but also supports Canadian communities. USW members contribute to the fund through terms negotiated in collective agreements. In some cases, employers make similar contributions to the fund.

Union des Métallos/USW, affiliated with the FTQ, is Quebec’s largest private sector union, representing more than 60,000 workers across all sectors of the economy.

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Marty Warren, President, Steelworkers Humanity Fund, 416-544-5951
Guillaume Charbonneau, Executive Director, Steelworkers Humanity Fund, 416-544-5944,
Shannon Devine, USW Communications, 416-938-4402,
Clerandre Cauchy, USW Communications (Quebec), 514-774-4001,


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