The marketing executive who curates your pre-flight ads says traveling for business is crucial to his career success: ‘I travel to learn’

The marketing executive who curates your pre-flight ads says traveling for business is crucial to his career success: ‘I travel to learn’

Dan Levy knows something or two about finding a way around the airport.

As an executive deputy for the president and head of marketing in A clear open -air channel-the The largest airport advertisement company in the countryWith more than 55 commercial airports worldwide-Levi applies his 38-year-old experience in the media and announces help in providing digital innovation to campaigns outside the home (OOH). During his professional life for approximately 10 years in Clear Channel, he led the company's mission to be the first to be on the market in the OOH sector, with planning and measuring the change of the game Solutions Returning to 2016. The company reaches 130 million Americans per week with about 70,000 screens on the side of the road and airports in more than 65 markets, and he saw Revenue in the airports sector jumps by 16 % in 2024, against the backdrop of passenger sizes that have been destroyed by American airports last year.

The average of Levi is two trips per month, and many of them take it to survey the 30th channel offices throughout the United States, while it was not in one place for a long time, as Kindle and iPad help him on hand and the airport hall shelter in The Ready to keep an equal casual.

Talk with luck About an individual adventure in Cambodia, the virtues of feathers, and the effect of traveling on both work and life.

The text is intensified below and lightly edited for clarity.

What is the best trip you have ever?

My wife and I went to Antarctica last year on the thirtieth anniversary of our founding, which was the amazing journey that we recently made. I do not have a list of a bucket, but it was one of the trials of the bulldozers. It is a different part of the planet, and unlike anything you had previously, regardless of the amount I traveled to.

We left on a cruise from Argentina and crossed the Drake Corridor, which is legendary because we are two days of the very harsh sea roundabout. We were really lucky because it was a relatively calm, which the crew told us about about 1 % of the time, so we did it in a day and a half. Since we started at the beginning of half a day, we managed to go to the south more than the journey it had previously passed. We have seen parts of the Antarctica that the crew had never seen before, and a lot of penguins, which are hysterical – they only look at you and walk directly.

My favorite was the honeymoon in Cambodia in 1993, a few months after the United Nations peacekeeping forces – which were there for two years to support the creation of a working democracy – left. I would like to say that I did not meet anyone else heard fire in the machine guns in the honeymoon. Cambodia was really independent for the first time in very long, and it was very amazing to visit Angkor Wat, nearby temples and other sites, but also that there was almost any other tourists. We flew on a Russian surplus plane from Bennah to Sim Reeb with a pilot we were convinced that we were drunk, then we stayed in the most beautiful hotel in Sim Rayb, who was basically descended with common bathrooms. There are now brands in luxury hospitality there, but this was a completely different time. It is a wonderful memory, and it was distinguished the first time that this type of adventure travel experience was performed. It has laid the basis for most of what we have done since then, including the transition to Southeast Asia for five years.

If you managed to go anywhere in the world, it was not, so where will it be and why?

I have this ongoing joke with my wife that with all the travel we did together, we did not go to Ireland. I suggested that several times when we talked about where we should go, but we haven't made it there yet, so I am going with that to keep the joke continuously and put more pressure on it. I love the United Kingdom – I studied abroad in England, spent time in Scotland and Wales and many other places there. Between nature and landscapes, and everything I was told about people, Ireland looks a great place to hang up for a week.

What is your favorite/most unforgettable meal that you had while traveling?

I was working with MTV in the early 1990s, and they asked me to move to Singapore in 1995 to help launch MTV Asia. India was a very important market to develop MTV – it ended in Bangalore for three months to get business – but it was the first time it went before we had any infrastructure there. My wife came with me to Delhi, where he was more than 120 degrees – Nobody wanted to do anything but sit inside and not move. But after we were there before, we wanted to see the sites. MTV had no one on the ground except, the daughter of an Indian author is very well -known, and we pulled this poor woman to help us see the red fort and all these other places. Then we went to the house of her grandparents and we ate the best vegetable meal she had in this gentle small house in Delhi, with one air conditioner in the bedroom. We all sat there on the corners of the bed and we had this incredible meal together. I will never forget that. I love India.

What are your favorite travel breakthroughs?

If I can bring my own pillow, I will do. There is almost space in a bag to get a feather pillow – I will take the air out of it and raise it to an angle, or I will put it over everything I fill it and close the travel bag.

I have TSA Prechack, Global Income, a clear digital identifier, and if a new program appears, it will get airport security faster, I will also register that.

Although I once switched, I will never pay for a credit card, after I was hung at Dallas Airport for six hours due to storms several years ago, I now have the American Platinum so that I can reach Centurion and DELTA halls – I am a frequent Delta newsletter. Getting a place to work and it is not necessary to deal with the general stress of the airport experience makes a big difference.

What are the three things that you do not travel without?

I am a student who is studying a lot in the field of technology, so this is easy. I never travel without Kindle, because I need to be able to read on something other than my phone.

Secondly, it is my iPad – it's my favorite device, gives me the ability to work as well as watching the video if I want to connect to the Internet.

Over the years, I sponsored this collection of charging and ropes. This is the first thing I pulled when I start filling on a trip. She is in her little condition, and I know that wherever she goes, everything I need is there.

Do you have any difficult and fast travel bases?

I definitely strive to continue, but as old, I realized that it is sometimes better not to spend a lot of time having to fill completely, and I will examine my bag. But if you can, I prefer to continue.

I will only take a continuous trip if there is no other way to get there.

I like to reach the airport early, and I have no pressure to run for the gate. When I lived in Singapore, I worked with a man whose mission was the last person on board the plane every time. When I traveled with him, we will respect and I must walk from shame to the gate, then we will be the last person to go – they closed the door behind us. I do not like to be this man.

What is the most important lesson in life that you learned from travel?

I think it is in life, as in travel, there is nothing like a bad experience. You can get a good experience or a good story, and if you are lucky, it is one. Bad travel experiences are those that tell friends about drinks on a lot of laughter.

One of the favorites is when we lived in Singapore, and we met my brother and wife in Xiang May after they visited us and then traveled a little on their own. I was in Bombay to work, and the only way I could reach for Chatiang Mai in time to meet her was the flying overnight through Delhi, Hong Kong and Bangkok on one trip. I do not like to take birth control pills, so my brother, a anesthesiologist who trained in the Air Force, gave me a pill approved for pilots because it does not make it soaked. Exactly tell me when to consider it until I get the maximum sleep, which I did while taking off from Hong Kong, but I couldn't sleep. I went to the hall while stopping for two hours there and began to get tired, so I returned my head, then I slept and woke up 10 minutes before the schedule of my journey. So this man became running at the airport, with my bag earned from a wheel to the wheel behind me and my coat is hanging. The bus gate was, and the bus has already left, so he somehow persuaded them to get another bus for me. I was barely awake, and I did this walking on the plane, as everyone who managed to get there on time was waiting. It was a bad experience, but it is a great story.

Are there any lessons of your travel experiences that you submitted to your business at Clear Channel Outdoor?

The first relates to our business at the airport. If you have flew across the La Gardadia airport in the past two years, and also before re -development, you are aware of the difference between the experience of wonderful passengers and a horrific experience. Traveling a lot and passing through many different airports, especially after the Changi Airport in Singapore – which was considered for many years the best in the world – was like a five -year home airport, for me it has really strengthened the importance of the airport experience, and the importance of travelers and marketers trying to reach them.

All that is bigger is that travel is about trying new things – it comes to learning. I travel to our local branches and markets to learn. Our actions are not driven by people in New York and large agencies – they are driven by our members who work through the thirtieth local offices, and our customers in those markets. If I can't talk to what is going on in our markets – to the needs of our customers and local sales representatives, and how I can support them – then I cannot do my job effectively. I am thinking about it in the same way that I think about personal travel, and what I have taken out of these amazing trips to Antarctica and India and all other amazing destinations: I travel to experience our business where it happens, so that I can do my job better.

This story was originally appeared on
