‘The robots are coming’ for ‘your white collar job’

With the fear of many experts Artificial intelligence developments It could lead to more layoffs, and there are questions and concerns raised about what might be next for the American workforce.

Mike Rowe, host of FOX Business’s “How America Works,” issued a warning Thursday about artificial intelligence developments and what they mean for white-collar workers.

“You can’t put your head in the sand, but you can’t panic either. It’s coming. You know, the robots are coming, the AI ​​is coming,” Rowe said.Big money show” Thursday.

“People used to say that robots would destroy skilled labor. Well, not really. I haven’t seen any plumbing robots. I haven’t seen any electrical robots. And I don’t think we’ll see any AI in such skilled trades. You can’t stop it. All you can do is You decide to panic completely or not.”

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The rapid growth of artificial intelligence has led many industry experts to predict which business sectors will be most affected as well as the number of jobs that could be replaced.

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1 expert in artificial intelligence, Ben Gurtzlpredicted that technology could replace 80% of jobs “in the next few years”.

Such a future could come to fruition with the introduction of systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Guerzel, founder and CEO of SingularityNET, told AFP at a summit in Brazil last week.

Other studies have gone into greater detail to analyze which jobs are most at risk of being taken over by AI.

a Goldman Sachs study It found that many industries had relatively little exposure to automation by AI technologies, including cleaning; Installation, maintenance and repair. construction and extraction. production; The transportation is moving. Each had more than half of its tasks seen as not amenable to automation, with AI largely serving as a complementary tool to the rest of these tasks.

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In general, the areas least exposed to AI-driven automation tend to be manual labor, outside work, or specialized knowledge.

The Goldman Sachs report found healthcare practitioners and support staff; fishing, agriculture and forestry; personal care; And preventative services have less than a quarter of their tasks that have not been subjected to AI-driven automation. Although each at least part of its tasks that can be Complemented by AI.

How America Works host Mike Rowe warns that artificial intelligence is coming and encourages workers to see the changes as an opportunity to chase a new career.

“I’ve been hearing for years that robots are going to destroy blue-collar work,” Rowe said earlier on America’s Newsroom. “It turns out that AI is coming for your white-collar job.”

CEO of IBM Arvind Krishna, for example, has announced that his company will temporarily stop hiring for certain positions that could be replaced by artificial intelligence.

“I believe, and I’ve said this before, that AI will replace many white-collar jobs, and that’s the kind that I expect AI will replace over the next five years,” CEO Arvind Krishna told FOX Business. Liz Claman onClaman countdownearlier this month.

But, he added, it is “not as simple as jobs disappearing”.

“The number of jobs, maybe in customer care, in coding, in business operations, in AI development is going to increase so dramatically that the net increase is positive while there is movement from one area to another.”

Krishna also told Bloomberg that he expects nearly 30% of non-customer-facing jobs to be replaced by AI within the next five years.

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Roe encouraged these white-collar workers not to panic, but instead, see this as an opportunity to launch a career in a thriving industry.

“We can’t control what AI does. We can’t control a long list of things. But unless our country revitalizes trades and unless we start to better understand where the real opportunities are, why panic about missing out?” AI function How soon can you retrain in six months in an exploding career? “

Rowe also added that moves like the one made by IBM to pause hiring in certain areas could push people into skilled jobs. Although there is a stigma surrounding skilled crafts, Rowe acknowledged, he said they are often the most rewarding roles.

“My organization has trained nearly 1,700 people in the skilled trades. Many of them are welders, and many of those welders make more than six figures. Nobody believes it. Nobody talks about it because the stigmas are so obvious that a child ends up Being a welderBecause he couldn’t cut it here. This is nonsense “.

“For people who master a required skill and watch their path, you will find that they land on something that looks a lot like a boom.”

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Rowe also noted that the changes brought about by AI provide workers with “an opportunity to remind yourself that you are not a product of what you do.”

“Job satisfaction is not a product of your job. It is a product of your personality.”

FOX Business’s Julia Musto, Eric Revell and Daniela Genovese contributed to this report.

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