A senior executive official at the WhatsApp chat service claimed that the Israeli spyware company Paraguce solutions It tried to violate 90 users, including journalists, and Reuters reports. Paraguce refused to comment on the report.
WhatsApp said he sent Paragon a “stop and stop” warning speech after trying to violate the alleged. “It will continue to protect people’s ability to communicate in particular,” said WhatsApp.
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The sale of Paragon was completed before the approval of the Ministry of Defense
WhatsApp refused to provide details about who was targeted specifically. However, the chat service “Reuters” told the targets that the targets were traveling in more than twenty countries, including many people in Europe. WHATSAPP Executive Officer added that users have been sent harmful electronic documents that do not require any interaction from the user to waive their goals, which is called the zero click penetration, which is particularly invisible.
Last year, the US Partners of the United States of the United States acquired the Israeli electronic attack company for an estimated $ 900 million. Paraguce was established by the former leader of 8200, Brigadier (Daqqa) Ehud Shanorson, and former Prime Minister Iued Barak.
Paragon is a Trojan horse program called Graphite, which is able to extract intelligence data from encrypted chat applications, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Signal or TeleGram. Unlike other electronic attacks such as NSO and Candira, the United States was established from the beginning to work in only 34 democratic countries, in coordination with local security authorities and legal systems, in order to benefit from the minimum storming of the litigation.
It was published by Globes, Israel Business News – En.globles.co.il – on February 2, 2025.
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