Why Do Part-Time Forex Traders Even Try?

Why Do Part-Time Forex Traders Even Try?

Forex trading is a hobby you do after work (or maybe during work) and do if you have enough strength to keep your eyes open. You don’t have the trading experience to spend your time on it, but it’s your dream. And it’s a great dream.

But the days seem to be getting shorter, and there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, or even a large part of it done. The day starts and then stretches into the night before you even know it.

Your work routine has shifted from 9 to 5, and your second job, whether it’s another job, your family, or your continuing education, has taken priority over achieving your Forex dreams.

You wake up and go back to work.

At work, you sit in your uncomfortable chair, staring at a dull screen, and realize that you are actually working to make someone else’s dream come true.

This is annoying. Take a sip of tasteless coffee. Stretch your back. Surf the internet. Check your bank account for (lack of) funds. Just a few more hours and you can safely stop answering work emails!

It can be very different when you are a full-time Forex trader. You are not at the mercy of your boss, company policy or department staff.

There is no office to commute to, no traffic to live in. You are your own boss, your own manager, your own decision maker. You have the freedom to do what you want, when you want; you are in control.

Trading has a great ability to motivate you because of the freedom it provides. Yes, you set your own hours, but it’s more than that.

Forex traders are responsible for all their actions and are always in complete control of what happens next. Sure, the market pushes us in certain directions, but ultimately we make the decision.

When we make money, it’s because of our actions and decisions. When we lose money, we know why, and there’s no need to blame anyone but ourselves. The blame is always on us. And that’s a relief.

Trading requires that we bring something to the table. We combine our own experiences, learned techniques, modified strategies, and personal trading styles in hopes of building that something that will bring us success and profits. We know it’s not an instant process, but that was clear after our first trade.

In every trade, whether we win or lose, we build our skills, develop our strengths, and learn from our weaknesses. And at all times, it’s just us, you and me, doing everything, turning the wheel and making things happen.

With hard work, passion and experience, the plan put forward starts working and the profit performance becomes consistently positive. That is the goal.

When you work or trade for yourself, and you actually enjoy it, it’s the best feeling in the world. Sure, you have some luxuries that a “real” job doesn’t have, but there are obstacles along the way, too. There will always be.

To maintain your lifestyle, you will always find a way around these obstacles, through them or over them. But the feeling of doing it alone is insurmountable. So resist the urge to sleep in, resist the urge to put it off until tomorrow.

Do your best every night and work according to this plan until your dream comes true. That’s why you’re doing it. The reward will be greater than you can imagine.
