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Andrew Craissati CEO and Co-Founder of Auddy

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Giving Podcasting the Edge in a Saturated Market

In an ecosystem where over 500,000 podcasts were created in the first half of 2021 alone, creators face a real challenge in finding an audience, monetizing the show, and managing all the distribution logistics. Audi It solves all of that.

It is a comprehensive podcast company that hosts, publishes, markets and distributes globally the best original podcast content from award-winning, high-quality sources. Its offerings span across multiple genres and are available on every major platform (Google, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Stitcher, Soundcloud, etc.).

What kind of companies do you deal with?

Auddy works with a wide range of businesses, from commercial partners looking to advertise and promote their brand to podcast listeners, to those looking to produce a podcast. We also work with podcasters looking to market their previously produced podcast and grow their listenership and engagement numbers. So, in short, we work with everyone involved from the idea stage, through to hosting, production and promotion.

What problem does Audi solve?

Like YouTube, podcasting is now a huge ecosystem, estimated to be worth over £7 billion by 2027. With over 100 million listeners in the US and 20% of listeners in the UK already, podcasters face a real challenge in finding an audience for their show, and as such, there is potential for commercial revenue through ad sales and sponsorship sales. As a publisher, Auddy uses data analytics and advanced skills to host, market and promote their podcasts, helping creators create a commercial outcome for their podcast.

What is your USP?

We are unique in that we run everything under one roof at Auddy – from the concept that Produces, Publish, Markets And Distributed The best original podcast content and audio shows, all in one company. We also have proprietary systems, data analytics tools and technology to bring efficiency and business intelligence to your publishing business.

What are Audi’s values? Have you ever been challenged and if so how did you handle it?

To date, we have never been challenged on our values ​​– that doesn’t mean we won’t, but as a company, we believe in integrity, reputation, diversity and inclusion, and social and ethical intelligence.

We love working with people who have the same values ​​so that our values ​​are represented in the work we do no matter what industry we work in.

How can you ensure you hire a team that reflects your company’s values?

We work with a team psychologist in all recruitment. She specialises in working with candidates through a testing process where we can better understand the candidate’s personality and dynamics, ensuring they are a good fit. Our psychologist also works closely with the dynamics within the leadership team, ensuring team understanding skills are accelerated to improve effective communications. Our testing also includes working on the candidate’s tolerance or need to work from home.

Are you happy to offer a hybrid work from home/office model post-Covid?

We believe that remote working is an essential component of our future development. While we believe in the need for a cohesive team that interacts with others in person, office life can be stressful and lead to health challenges, especially those related to mental health. Therefore, we plan to continue to support and encourage flexible working hours, working from home, and team building through in-person engagement.

Do you have any tips for managing suppliers and customers effectively?

We strongly believe that no matter who you are or what your position is, you should treat others the way you would like to be treated. Respect goes a long way, so it is important to respect your peers and treat others kindly in all areas of life.

Do you have any tips on financing or cash flow for new businesses starting out?

We believe it is important to be transparent, fair and sensible in the management and storage of money. If you are forced to delay paying an invoice, contact the vendor, express your position and ensure that they are treated with respect, gratitude and fairness.

What is your position towards your competitors?

Without competition, you and your business would be left with no competition, so you might feel bored or complacent. Competition makes you compete better. In our world, with hundreds of millions of people listening to podcasts worldwide, there is plenty of room for all competitors to thrive and succeed without having to win at the expense of others.

Do you have any ideas about the future of your company?

Tomorrow will be more exciting than yesterday.

We are at an exciting stage where we were able to raise our target crowdfunding within days of launching the crowdfunding campaign. We have been overwhelmed by the interest and commitment and are really excited to be in a position to discuss our plans for the future. The future is exciting, the future is scary but when you see the level of interest from crowdfunders who want to invest, the excitement of getting started and the desire to achieve great things is what drives the team.

Martin’s Cherry

Cherie is an associate editor at Business Matters, responsible for planning and writing future articles, interviews and more in-depth pieces for what is now the UK’s largest print and online source of current business news.

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