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Beny Steinmetz arrested, released in Athens


Israeli businessman Benny Steinmetz was arrested yesterday at Athens Airport on a warrant issued in Romania where he was convicted of land fraud. Steinmetz was released from detention but banned from leaving Greece. Reuters reported that the businessman was arrested last night, several hours after landing his private plane at Athens International Airport.

“The Greek legal system has already ruled finally and irrevocably against Steinmetz’s extradition to Romania. Mr. Steinmetz has been released until the case is formally arranged,” a Steinmetz representative said.

Stavros Togias, Steinmetz’s lawyer, said: “It is unprecedented for the rule of law in Greece, or any other respectable country, that such an administrative measure would lead to the annulment of the decision of the Greek judiciary, which ruled once and for all and irrevocably against his extradition to Romania.” Recognizing his right to travel freely.”

Steinmetz was also arrested a year ago according to a warrant issued by the Romanian authorities against him. The Greek Court of Appeal in Athens ruled that his right to a fair trial had been violated in Romania, and he was released. Steinmetz’s representative also said: “The court recognized the risk that Steinmetz would be subjected to discriminatory, inhuman and degrading treatment if extradited, and found political motives behind his persecution. As a result, Mr. Steinmetz has obtained the right to travel freely and without restrictions, and without being subjected to conduct that offends his dignity or denigrates him.” His business reputation, as happened during his arrest by the authorities at Athens International Airport last night.

His representative added that six European countries rejected the legal claims of the Romanian judicial system, so that Interpol, Greece, Italy and Cyprus, in addition to other partners, declared the arrest warrant issued by the Romanian authorities for his extradition null and void. The operation for which arrest warrants were not executed in France, Belgium and Malta.

Published by Globes, Israel Business News – – on October 14, 2024.

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