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BT Scraps Digital Landline Switch Deadline Amid Vulnerability Concerns

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BT has significantly delayed its plans to switch customers from traditional copper-based landlines to internet-based services, following concerns about the impact on vulnerable individuals. It was initially scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025, but the switch has now been postponed until the end of January 2027.

The decision comes after several incidents where telecare devices, which are essential for nearly two million UK residents using personal alarms, stopped working during the transition period. The initial downtime occurred at the end of last year due to these critical issues.

Silver Voices, a campaign group for seniors, expressed dissatisfaction with the revised timetable, describing it as a “symbolic concession”. “The delay is just over a year, which we don't think is long enough to ensure adequate safeguards for vulnerable customers. BT and other telcos haven't even defined what constitutes a vulnerable customer. We feel the deadline is in January,” said Dennis Reid, head of Silver Voices. “2027 is too early.”

This controversy stems from the potential risk of interruptions to Internet-based services, which could render landlines inoperable, especially in rural areas prone to frequent service outages. This poses a significant risk to customers who rely on personal alarms.

BT has introduced a series of improvements aimed at protecting vulnerable customers and those with additional needs. Howard Watson, head of security and networks at BT, stressed the urgency of this shift due to the fragility of 40-year-old analogue landline technology. “Managing customer migrations from analog to digital as quickly and seamlessly as possible, while making accommodations for customers with additional needs, is critical,” Watson said.

To mitigate the risks, BT plans to offer free battery backups and hybrid phones capable of using both broadband and mobile networks. However, some campaign groups find these solutions still confusing. Elizabeth Anderson, president of the Digital Poverty Alliance, noted the need for better communication about the changes. “For many seniors or those who need a simple landline that works even during power outages, there is still a lot to be done to communicate what the changes mean for them,” Anderson said. It has also raised concerns about who will bear the cost of new phones, battery packs and the support needed for users to adapt to the new systems.

BT's digital voice switching plan requires all households to have an internet connection. It remains to be seen whether other telcos will follow BT's revised timetable or adopt similar measures. The company's commitment to protecting vulnerable customers will be crucial in managing this major technology shift.

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