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Canadian police warn crypto investors on growing home robbery trend

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The Canadian Police Department has issued a public warning of a possible trend where high-net-worth cryptocurrency investors are being robbed at their homes.

On July 19, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Richmond, a city south of Vancouver, He said Several similar robberies involving cryptocurrency investors have occurred over the past 12 months.

Sergeant Gene Hsieh of the RCMP’s Richmond Major Crimes Unit said someone was “targeting these victims with cryptocurrency” and believes a public warning is necessary for public safety.

The RCMP has not released specific details of the incidents but has made clear in each case that the perpetrator impersonated a delivery driver before robbing the victim.

“The suspects gain access to the victim’s home by pretending to be delivery people or people with authority. Once inside the home, the suspects steal information from the victims that gives access to their cryptocurrency accounts.”

Sergeant Gil Long of Delta Police Investigative Services said the suspects appeared to know that the victims had invested “heavily” in cryptocurrency along with knowing where they lived.

The police department confirmed that they had arrested one person but did not confirm if there were multiple incidents linked. It did not provide specific details about the incidents or the amount of cryptocurrency theft as investigations are still ongoing.

To avoid home burglary, management advised against allowing strangers or delivery people—legitimate or not—into the home and instead asking them to leave deliveries outside.

When in doubt, a call should be made to the delivery company to confirm the person’s identity and the authorities should be contacted if danger is or appears imminent.

Police advised that valuables and financial information should be kept in a safe place within the household, such as a safety box.

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In general, the police only recommend that you discuss financial matters in private — not on social media — and only with trusted people.

In March, Aiden Pletersky, the self-proclaimed “King of Cryptocurrency” in Canada, was kidnapped, imprisoned, and assaulted by five men who were caught up in an apparent Peltiersky cryptocurrency scheme.

One of the men, who reportedly invested C$740,000 ($560,000) in the scheme, was accused of kidnapping Peltierski on July 17. according for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

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