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Dave Ramsey Confronts Controversy Over Parents Charging Kids for Rent

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Radio host and author Dave Ramsey frequently discusses ways to train young people to deal with financial issues.

One of the main topics being raised in this regard is the issue of educating young people about what it takes to pay for their living space.

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A couple from Texas showed up, who said they were fans of Dave Ramsey Fox News to talk about why their 19-year-old daughter had to pay rent to continue living in the house.

Host Steve Doocy interviewed Ramsey about the story.

“What do you think, man who inspired parents, of this?” Ducey asked.

“As parents, our job is to teach children to brush their teeth, learn how to work, learn how to give and learn how to save and learn how to spend,” Ramsey said. “And so this 19-year-old daughter has been well prepared for life by some parents who have some common sense and are loving and kind.”

Ramsey spoke about their reasons for asking their daughter to pay them to continue living in the house.

“They were using rent not as a way to make money from their child,” he said. “They were using the rent as a reason to give her a reason to move on and leave the nest. And she did. She was only there for a few months, and she went to set up her own home. And she was able to do that because she had such a good mom and dad who trained her.”

The personal finance personality discussed the reality of adult children living with their parents in general.

“We have a bunch of 29-year-olds living in their basement, and a helicopter mom takes care of everything,” he said. “They’re sitting in the midst of their co-titles and in great irony, they’re playing Call Of Duty.”

He continued, “You are not doing your child a favor when you allow him to have a hammock in your house.” “You’re doing them a favor when they have a safety net. Sometimes the big kids have a hard time and they need to come home for a bit. I would take care of my boys that way. But they won’t live with me indefinitely because they don’t have dignity when they do. They don’t have a sense of trust.” How to deal with the world.

Doocy then asked Ramsey about a system that recommended putting money into three different envelopes.

“It’s an envelope, a savings envelope, and a spending envelope,” Ramsey explained. “It’s not that a child is going to change the world with any of that stuff, but we’re just developing their muscles. We get them to do their homework, we get them to brush their teeth, we have them put the dishes in the dishwasher, hopefully, and so we’ll build their muscles from the things that give them life skills.”

“My job as a parent is not to create wonderful children,” he added. “It’s about developing children so that they can become great adults.”

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