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Ed Johnson, CEO and Co-Founder of PushFar


Ed Johnson is the CEO and co-founder of PushFar, the world’s leading mentoring platform.

Since its establishment in 2018, pay far It has rapidly evolved into a widely used technology startup, providing guidance technology to hundreds of clients and tens of thousands of individuals in over 100 countries.

The platform enables mentors and mentees to find, build and manage effective mentoring relationships globally.

As an open mentoring platform, anyone can sign up for free to find a mentor, volunteer to mentor others, network, connect, and advance their career using a suite of career advancement tools and techniques.

In addition, organizations can launch, operate and scale mentoring and coaching programs for their employees and networks.

What is the main problem you solve for your customers?

Our main goal is to make mentoring easier, more effective and more impactful for everyone, so that each one can reap the many benefits mentoring has to offer. We help individuals find and build mentors, whether they want to mentor or be mentored. We also help organizations run mentoring programs in an easy and effective way.

What prompted you to start your business – did you want to change the status quo, or was there a gap in the market you could fill?

I was originally looking for a mentor for myself, and was having a hard time finding one, and soon realized that a lot of people were in the same situation as me. Organizations were also struggling to launch effective mentoring programs, with a lot of manual processes involved, which were time-consuming and not entirely effective. It was clear that mentoring was not readily available to individuals or organizations, and I wanted to change that.

What are your brand values?

Our brand values ​​form the foundation of PushFar: authentic, accessible, supportive and innovative.

Do your values ​​drive your decision making?

Yes – always. Our values ​​are the core principles that PushFar is based on, and they all work together. We must remain innovative, constantly adapting the services we offer to ensure we provide the best support to our customers in the market while maintaining accessibility for everyone. Acting in accordance with these values ​​ensures that we remain true to PushFar’s founding mission of providing effective guidance to all.

Is team culture an integral part of your business?

Team culture is an integral part of who we are. Working closely with clients who primarily operate in the HR and Education space, we understand firsthand the value of a strong, supportive culture.

What do you do to go the extra mile to show your appreciation to your team?

Our appreciation for our team is demonstrated through trust and empowerment across the board. We offer flexible working hours, fully remote work, and flexible vacations. This allows our team to feel respected in the same way that we value and recognize the value they bring to PushFar.

In terms of your messaging, do you think you speak directly to consumers in a clear way?

Yes! We ensure that our messages are concise and understandable to everyone. We are here to help individuals and organizations and want to make the process as easy as possible from the start.

What do you think about inflation and interest rates – will you pass that on to your customers or will you let your profit margins take a hit and reward customer loyalty in these tough times?

We have not raised prices in the past 6 years. We focus on providing great service that helps our business grow while continuing to add value.

How often do you evaluate the data you collect and address your KPIs and why?

We are constantly evaluating the data we collect in real time. As a technology company, this is critical to us and our clients. In a constantly evolving industry, the data we continually evaluate ensures that we remain the leading guidance platform and that our clients receive the most up-to-date and highest quality services.

Is technology playing a bigger role in the day-to-day running of your business?

Yes! As a technology company, it is at the heart of everything we do; from our service to our clients, to our approach to remote working with colleagues and employees. Technology plays a key role in our growth, both in terms of our scale and the services we provide. Using advanced technology helps us streamline processes without compromising on quality, ensuring that the service our clients receive is as efficient as possible.

What is your position on your competitors?

We have a very healthy attitude towards our competitors. This discourages complacency when we all play fair. Competition is important to ensure that the market continues to evolve and that the services offered have no choice but to innovate. Innovation and growth are very important to PushFar, so we are not afraid of our place in the market.

Do you have any advice for anyone starting out in business?

If you want to start a business, just do it. There is never a right time, it’s all about the mindset you apply. Focus, dedication and hard work are what you need to commit to. There is no shortcut to any of it.

It can be a stressful and isolating place to work, where you can be the main decision maker at work. What do you do to relax, recharge and sharpen your focus?

I shut myself off, engage in digital detoxes and immerse myself in books and the outdoors through things like running.

Do you believe in the 12-week method, or do you develop much longer planning strategies?

I personally believe that long-term strategies are extremely important. They are less restrictive and allow for a greater sense of direction and a broader view of the bigger picture and long-term goals.

What is your company’s environmental strategy?

As a technology company, we try to do everything we can to reduce our impact on the planet. We actively encourage remote working and host regular video calls where possible to limit commutes. We also go paperless and will continue to make efforts to ensure our environmental impacts are considered.

What are three things you wish would happen in the next 12 months?

Over the next 12 months, we’ll focus on growth; a bigger team, a bigger customer base and more great features to offer.

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